Review on the Estimation Model of Crop Evapotranspiration in Solar Greenhouse
ZHAO Ming-yu, YAO Ming-ze, LI Bo, WANG Tie-liang
Review on the Estimation Model of Crop Evapotranspiration in Solar Greenhouse
Evapotranspiration model is an effective tool for estimating crop water demand, which provides important parameters for determining irrigation schedule and designing irrigation system, and helps agricultural industry to achieve the goal of water saving, high yield and high quality. There are many existing evapotranspiration models with different application conditions, which are not mature enough to be applied in the greenhouse environment. It is necessary to sort out the models and study the improvement methods of models in the greenhouse environment, so as to improve the accuracy of model estimation. In this paper, the main evapotranspiration estimation models and their applicable conditions were introduced. From the perspective of being applicable to the solar greenhouse environment, the methods of improving the Penman Monteith (PM) model were summarized. On this basis, the research trend of improving the accuracy of evapotranspiration model was pointed out, which enriched the research achievements in the field of crop evapotranspiration estimation in solar greenhouse. The analysis showsthat the PM model has the clearest mechanism and the most extensive application. The key to improve the PM model is to improve the parameters of surface resistance (
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