Authors Instruction for/Water Saving Irrigation

Authors Instruction for/Water Saving Irrigation

Section 1: Publishing Scope

Section 2: Requirement for Manuscript

Section 3: Fees

Section 4: Method of Submission


Section 1: Publishing Scope

  Water Saving Irrigation is a national academic monthly journal, jointly sponsored by Wuhan University and China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center. The publishing scope includes: basic theory in water-saving irrigation; technology and economics in water-saving irrigation; interrelationships and mutual influences in the following link:  meteorology - hydrology - water (atmospheric water, surface water, soil water, groundwater, plant water, saline water, sewage, reclaimed water, recycled water) - soil – crops/vegetation fertilizer - irrigation methods - non engineering water saving and fertilizer saving methods (such as covering, water retaining agents, slow release, planting methods, etc.) - irrigation systems - soil and water environment, and various scientific methods used to study those factors; smart irrigation; various models; water saving irrigation engineering and equipment; equipment parameters, environmental parameters, social factors, economic factors, application conditions, and the impact of those factors on water-saving irrigation; agricultural remote sensing inversion, etc. 

Section 2: Requirement for Manuscript

  Manuscripts shall be innovative, scientific and readable, and shall comply with specifications and standards in terms of physical quantities, legal units of measurement, figures, tables and formats. Review articles should have the author's unique perspective and viewpoint. The manuscripts should include following parts with fixed order: Title, Authors’ Names, Institute, City, Postal Code, Chinese Abstract, Keywords; English Title (Consistent With Chinese), Authors’ names in English, Institute in English, City name in English, Postal Code, English Abstract, English Keywords; Text (Footer in Title-page, introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Analysis, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References). The Footer in Title-page should include: date of submission, funding project, author information and the corresponding author. The journal has detailed guidelines on each part of the manuscript. Before submitting, the authors should carefully read Requirement for ManuscriptRequirement for Figures and References and Manuscript Format Template at the download center of this website, and draft and revise your manuscript accordingly.


Section 3: Fees

Once the manuscript publishing is confirmed, an APC shall be payable (RMB 4000 per article; RMB 2000 for urgent processing). 


Section 4: Method of Submission

  The journal adopts online submission system. Please visit , carefully read the instructions and policies before register for submission. Once the manuscript is submitted, the supplementary documents listed below should be provided.

  1) Copyright Transfer Agreement

  2) Authors Contribution Form

  3) Statement of Competing Interests

   Water Saving Irrigation is a national academic monthly journal, jointly sponsored by Wuhan University and China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center. The publishing scope includes: basic theory in water-saving irrigation; technology and economics in water-saving irrigation; interrelationships and mutual influences in the following link:  meteorology - hydrology - water (atmospheric water, surface water, soil water, groundwater, plant water, saline water, sewage, reclaimed water, recycled water) - soil - crops/vegetation fertilizer - irrigation methods - non engineering water saving and fertilizer saving methods (such as covering, water retaining agents, slow release, planting methods, etc.) - irrigation systems - soil and water environment, and various scientific methods used to study those factors; smart irrigation; various models; water saving irrigation engineering and equipment; equipment parameters, environmental parameters, social factors, economic factors, application conditions, and the impact of those factors on water-saving irrigation; agricultural remote sensing inversion, etc.

Pubdate:2023-09-20 Viewed: 6557