Intelligent Irrigation Algorithm of Soybean Planting Based on Variable-universe Fuzzy Control Theory

WANG Jian, XIE Nan

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2017 ›› (3) : 35-40.

Intelligent Irrigation Algorithm of Soybean Planting Based on Variable-universe Fuzzy Control Theory

  • WANG Jian,XIE Nan
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In soybean planting,the manual control mode is still dominant,fully automated low popularity,mostly existing automated irrigation soil moisture will be collected with a given threshold comparison irrigated main way. Although the traditional fuzzy control technology can
solve the problem of establishing precision irrigation model by the nonlinear field environment inertial delay brought about,the relatively fixed
structure parameters do not apply to precision irrigation. Simulation results show that,compared to the PID control scheme,the overshoot and
response time,this method has increase by 55.17% and 62.57%,compared with the traditional fuzzy control scheme,the overshoot and response time,this method has increased by 30.36 % and 46.44%,greatly improved the accuracy of irrigation; irrigation compared to manual
control mode can save 20% of water resources,water-saving irrigation soybean automation provides a new way of thought.

Key words

soybean / demand on water,rainfall / variable universe fuzzy control / control algorithm

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WANG Jian, XIE Nan. Intelligent Irrigation Algorithm of Soybean Planting Based on Variable-universe Fuzzy Control Theory. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2017, 0(3): 35-40


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