Editorial Board

Editorial Board
Honorary Director
TIAN Xuebin Deputy Minister Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
KANG Shaozhong Academician; Professor Chinese Academy of Engineering
China Agricultural University
XING Yuanyue Deputy Director Department of Rural Water Resources and Hydropower, Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
Deputy Directors
XU Jianzhong Deputy Director China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center
XU Dezhi Deputy Director Department of Rural Water Resources and Hydropower, Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China
TAN Guangming Professor Wuhan University
XIONG Lihua Dean of College; Professor School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University
Editorial Members
(Ordered by Chinese strokes)
DING Kunlun Professor of Engineering China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Irrigation and drainage, rural water supply, agricultural water and soil resources  
WANG Weiguang Professor Hohai University Responses of the hydrological cycle and efficient use of water resources in changing environments  
WANG Quanjiu Professor Xi'an University of Technology Soil improvement and water-saving irrigation; soil and water resources and ecological environment  
WANG Xiugui Professor Wuhan University Economics of hydraulic engineering, agricultural water management, agricultural drainage, irrigation engineering planning  
WANG Jinglei Professor Institute of Farmland Irrigation of CAAS Efficient utilization of agricultural water and soil resources  
WANG Fujun Professor China Agricultural University Computational fluid dynamics; pumps and pumping stations; turbines and hydropower stations; fluid-structure interaction and hydraulic excitation in hydraulic machinery systems  
LONG Xinping Professor Wuhan University Hydraulic machinery and engineering, jet theory and applications, internal flow analysis and simulation in hydraulic machinery, optimization of pump systems  
SHI Liangsheng Professor Wuhan University Interdisciplinary research in digital water and artificial intelligence, focusing on basic theories of water resources sensing, cognition, and decision intelligence, water resource machine vision, and integrated intelligent sensing technology of "ground-air-space", hybrid modeling of big data and physical mechanisms  
FU Qiang Vice-President; Professor Northeast Agricultural University Effects of soil freezing and thawing processes on the water and soil environment, theoretical methods and applications for efficient use of agricultural water and soil resources, protection and sustainable use of black soil  
FENG Ping Professor Tianjin University Flood prevention and risk analysis of water resources utilization, rational development and utilization of water resources, drought and water environment ecological issues, impact assessment of flood prevention on construction projects  
FENG Shaoyuan Professor Yangzhou University Theories and methods for groundwater resource assessment, water environment assessment and prediction, and theories and techniques for water-saving irrigation  
WU Jingwei Professor Wuhan University Agricultural water resources planning; soil salinization control; groundwater resources and environment; application of remote sensing technology  
WU Hegao Professor Wuhan University Pressure pipelines of hydropower stations, anti-vibration of plant structures, 3D design and BIM, design of underground air storage caverns for compressed air energy storage  
LIU Chao Professor Sichuan University Agricultural engineering and hydraulic engineering
LIU Pan Professor Wuhan University Reservoir group scheduling, dynamic control of reservoir operation water levels during flood season, water-wind-solar multi-energy complementarity, carbon neutrality  
JIANG Enhui Professor of Engineering Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research Sediment dynamics, watershed system science  
SUN Jingsheng Professor Institute of Farmland Irrigation of CAAS Water-saving irrigation principles and efficient utilization of agricultural water resources  
LI Na Professor of Engineering China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center Construction and operation management of large and medium-sized pumping stations, rural hydropower projects, research, and application of pump and pumping station-related technologies, and compilation of technical standards for rural water conservancy and hydropower  
LI Yalong Professor of Engineering Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute Agricultural engineering  
LI Dianqing Professor Wuhan University Safety and risk prevention of hydraulic engineering structures; reliability and risk assessment of geotechnical engineering  
LI Chaoshun Professor Huazhong University of Science and Technology Optimization operation of clean energy systems, intelligent maintenance, and energy-saving emission reduction  
YANG Dawen Professor Tsinghua University Distributed hydrological models, hydrometeorology  
YANG Zhonghua Professor Wuhan University Environmental and ecological hydraulics, computational hydrodynamics, river and lake ecological restoration  
YU Genjian Professor of Engineering China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Research and development of technologies and products for farmland water conservancy and rural drinking water safety, planning and design of farmland water conservancy projects  
ZHANG Hansong Professor of Engineering China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center Rural water supply  
ZHANG Shaoqiang Professor of Engineering China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center Project management of continued construction and water-saving renovation in large irrigation areas, reform and development of irrigation areas  
CHEN hua Professor Wuhan University Smart water management/digital twin watersheds; intelligent monitoring and simulation of watersheds; remote sensing applications  
CHEN jie Professor Wuhan University Hydrological response under climate change, coupled meteorological-hydrological forecasts, land-atmosphere coupling  
CHEN Jing Professor Hohai University Agricultural water resource management  
CHEN Jiankang Professor Sichuan University Hydraulic structural and foundation engineering, reliability and risk analysis, dam safety monitoring and information management, evaluation of hydropower construction projects  
SHAO Dongguo Professor Wuhan University Efficient use of water resources and environmental protection, water conservancy planning and management, analysis of irrigation and drainage resource systems  
LIN Kairong Professor Sun Yat-Sen University Hydrological modeling and forecasting under changing environments, urban flood disaster prevention and risk assessment, sponge city planning and design, big data and smart water services  
LUO Yufeng Professor Wuhan University Water-saving irrigation theory and techniques, irrigation forecasting, intelligent irrigation decision-making, modern irrigation district construction, control of non-point source pollution in paddy fields  
LIAN Jijian Professor Tianjin University Safety and optimization applications in hydraulic and hydropower engineering; development and utilization of offshore new energy; water environment ecology and landscape engineering  
HU Shaowei Professor Chongqing University New structures and materials in engineering; concrete damage, fracture and structural safety evaluation; steel-concrete composite structures and composite pipelines; non-destructive testing, health monitoring, and earthquake resistance of structures  
HU Xiaotao Professor Northwest A&F University Water-saving irrigation theory and techniques, water-saving conditioning mechanisms and techniques for greenhouse economic crops, diagnosis of crop water deficit, smart water management  
FEI Liangjun Professor Xi'an University of Technology Irrigation and drainage theory and techniques, utilization of water resources and agricultural water and soil engineering  
GU Tao Professor of Engineering China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center Project management, technical promotion, planning compilation, standard setting, and applied technology research related to large and medium-sized irrigation areas, water-saving irrigation, comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, and agricultural water management  
QIAN Zhongdong Professor Wuhan University Multiphase flow in hydraulic machinery, cavitation and erosion in hydraulic machinery, biomimetic hydraulic machinery  
NI Guangheng Professor Tsinghua University Numerical calculations and observations of various factors and processes in hydrology and water resources. Distributed hydrological models, urban hydrology and water-thermal environment, land-atmosphere coupling, transboundary water and ecological security  
XU Zhanguo Director Editorial Office of China Rural Water and Hydropower Farmland water conservancy  
XU Junzeng Professor Hohai University Water-saving irrigation theory and techniques, water-saving irrigation and its environmental effects in farmland; principles of water-saving irrigation and mechanisms for water-saving, high-yield, and high-quality crops  
HUANG Xiuqiao Professor Institute of Farmland Irrigation of CAAS Water-saving irrigation  
CHENG Lei Professor Wuhan University Evapotranspiration mechanisms, watershed ecohydrology, water-carbon coupling  
ZENG Yuhong Professor Wuhan University Environmental and ecological hydraulics  
CAI Huanjie Professor Northwest A&F University Agricultural water saving, efficient use of water resources

Pubdate:2024-03-07 Viewed: 50423