In order to explore the influence of abrupt drought-flood on rice yield, use II You 898 as the material, both the effect of abrupt drought-flood during tillering stage, jointing-booting stage and flowering stage on the rice yield and its traits and comparison of influence on the yield between abrupt drought-flood and single water stress(drought and flood) across tillering-booting stage were studied through orthogonal experiment. The results indicated: (1) The numbers of panicle per pot is mainly influenced by abrupt drought-flood in the tillering stage, decreased by 1.4 on average while jointing-booting stage’s has the greatest impact on the grains per panicle, reducing it up to 34.2%; the 1000-grain weight and full grain ratio is mainly affected by abrupt drought-flood in jointing-booting and flowering stage; the specific stress in the three stages all significantly reduced the yield by more than 30%, and the descend order is: jointing-booting stage > tillering stage > flowering stage. (2) The main factors and stress type which affected the yield and its traits remarkably were changing or alternating in the abrupt drought-flood in different stages. (3) Rice yield and its traits were more than the certain single water stress in many cases across tillering-booting stage, which implied the existence of the compensatory effect.
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CHENG Xiao-feng,HU Tie-song,XIONG Wei,ZHANG Bing-tang.
The Effect of Abrupt Drought-flood on the Rice Yield and Its Traits. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2017, 0(6): 38-42
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