Drought Characteristics Analysis of Jilin Province Based on the Standardized Precipitation Index in Recent 45 years

YUE Yuan,SHEN Shuang-he,WANG Qi

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2017 ›› (7) : 166-172.

Drought Characteristics Analysis of Jilin Province Based on the Standardized Precipitation Index in Recent 45 years

  • YUE Yuan1,2,SHEN Shuang-he2,WANG Qi3
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The evolution characteristics of the annual and seasonal,intensity,scope of influence and frequency of drought in Jilin province during the last 45 years were analyzed based on the standardized precipitation index ( SPI) as the drought index which calculated by the data of monthly precipitation of 45 meteorological stations. Results show that during the last 45 years the drought trend in Jilin province was increasing. The frequency of drought of western and central regions of Jilin province is significantly higher than that in the eastern region. The trend of drought stations proportions is in the form of stage first decreased and then increasing. In different seasons,the trend of drought stations proportions in spring and winter are downward and are rising in summer and autumn.The change form of drought intensity is differ from the drought stations proportions,the drought intensity is decreased in spring and summer,enhanced in autumn and winter.

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YUE Yuan,SHEN Shuang-he,WANG Qi. Drought Characteristics Analysis of Jilin Province Based on the Standardized Precipitation Index in Recent 45 years. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2017, 0(7): 166-172


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