The Effect of Different Moistube Buried Depth on Growth,Yield and Quality of Tomatoes

WANG Shu-ji,HAN Song,ZHANG Zheng-liang,FEI Liang-Jun,WANG Li-Shu

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2017 ›› (8) : 28-31.

The Effect of Different Moistube Buried Depth on Growth,Yield and Quality of Tomatoes

  • WANG Shu-ji1,2,HAN Song1,ZHANG Zheng-liang1,FEI Liang-Jun2,WANG Li-Shu1
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In order to find the suitable moistube's buried depth for tomato growth,yield and quality,three different kinds of moistube buried depth treatments incuding T1 ( 10 cm) ,T2 ( 15 cm) ,T3 ( 20 cm are ) are set up,and surface gravity irrigation is set up as control. The effect of various treatments on growth indexes such as plant height,stem diameter,leaf area and physiological indicators such as photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate,chlorophyll content,and yield and comprehensive quality of tomato are investigated. Results are given as follows: ①As entering flowering and fruit enlargement period,the growth indexes of all moistube buried treatment are higher than CK treatment except for the leaf area of T1 less than CK,all growth indexes of T2 treatment are maximum. The order of photosynthetic rate are T2>T1>CK>T3. The order of transpiration rate are T2>T3>T1>CK.The order of stomatal conductance are: T2> T3> T1> CK. The order of intercellular carbon dioxide concentration is T1>T3>CK>T2. ②The individual fruit mass of all moistube buried treatment are higher than CK treatment,T2 treatment has a maximum yield. ③ The order of comprehensive quality evaluation value is T2 > T3 > T1 > CK. Our study concludes that 15 cm is the appropriate moistube's buried depth when tomato is planted.

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WANG Shu-ji,HAN Song,ZHANG Zheng-liang,FEI Liang-Jun,WANG Li-Shu. The Effect of Different Moistube Buried Depth on Growth,Yield and Quality of Tomatoes. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2017, 0(8): 28-31


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