Storm-water Infiltration Trenches Design and Management in Sponge Urban

XU Su-rong, ZHOU Ke

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2018 ›› (4) : 174-177.

Storm-water Infiltration Trenches Design and Management in Sponge Urban

  • XU Su-rong1 ,ZHOU Ke2
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With the development of urbanization,the permeable soil surface area through which recharge by infiltration can occur is decreasing. This results in much less ground-water recharge and greatly increased surface run-off. Infiltration devices,which redirect run-off waters from the surface to the sub-surface environments,are commonly adopted to mitigate the negative hydrologic effects associated with urbanization. Therefore,the theoretical model of infiltration trenches is set up,and the forms of multi-functional integration and numerical computation methods for trenches are put forward. Secondly,taking Hebi City situated in Henan Province and national sponge urban construction experiment plot as an example,the design of trapezoidal and rectangular section of infiltration trenches,and the relevant parameters are considered. It is proved by practice that the present findings play an important role in the development of infiltration rate method,recharge for ground water calculation,drainage time determination,storm water management and solution of the best management practices.

Key words

sponge urbanization / infiltration trench / storm water / infiltration recharge / best management practice

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XU Su-rong, ZHOU Ke. Storm-water Infiltration Trenches Design and Management in Sponge Urban. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2018, 0(4): 174-177


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