The Evaluation of the Ecological Environment of Huangshui Basin by Remote Sensing

ZHAO Cui-ping GONG Jia-guo,WANG Hao ,WANG Ying ,YANG Miao

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2018 ›› (6) : 68-71.

The Evaluation of the Ecological Environment of Huangshui Basin by Remote Sensing

  • ZHAO Cui-ping GONG Jia-guo,WANG Hao ,WANG Ying ,YANG Miao
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: In the Huangshui Basin,the distribution of land use type and vegetation coverage can be acquired based on the spatial analysis technology of ERDAS and ArcGIS software,using LANDSAT8 TM and MODSI remote sensing image. According to the technical criterion for ecosystem status evaluation,through calculating biological richness index,vegetation coverage index,water network denseness index,land stress index and pollution load index,the feature of ecological environment is evaluated and analyzed. The results indicate that the ecological environment of Huangshui Basin is overall general level,mainly owing to the low ecological index of urban area of Xining County and Minhe County. Other County kept in good level about ecological index. Intensifying water resources management and controlling of the water pollution discharge is the key of the ecological environment governance at this stage.

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ZHAO Cui-ping GONG Jia-guo,WANG Hao ,WANG Ying ,YANG Miao. The Evaluation of the Ecological Environment of Huangshui Basin by Remote Sensing. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2018, 0(6): 68-71


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