Research on the Calculation Method of Design Flood of Urban Stream Based on SCS Hydrological Model

TAN Chao,HUANG Ben-sheng,HUANG Feng-hua,QIU Jing,LIU Da

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2019 ›› (3) : 167-171.

Research on the Calculation Method of Design Flood of Urban Stream Based on SCS Hydrological Model

  • TAN Chao1,2,3,HUANG Ben-sheng1,2,3,HUANG Feng-hua1,2,3,QIU Jing1,2,3,LIU Da1,2,3
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It is difficult to simulate the design flood accurately by traditional calculation methods ( synthetic unit hydrograph and rational method) as the complex hydrological process of rainstorm caused by the underlying surface hardening in urban areas. Taking the Wangjiangli River in Huizhou as an example,this paper calculates the design flood of urban streams based on the SCS hydrological model and compared with the traditional methods. Results show that the peak discharge of the Wangjiangli River has a significant positive correlation with urban land area. The design flood calculated by SCS model is 20% larger than traditional methods because the model has considered the underlying surface change thoroughly and the confluence become faster and the peak discharge was larger. The calculation results of the SCS model is more reasonable due to the consideration of underlying surface change. This study can be used as reference for the design flood calculation of urban river without observed data.

Key words

SCS hydrological model / urban stream / design flood / underlying surface change

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TAN Chao,HUANG Ben-sheng,HUANG Feng-hua,QIU Jing,LIU Da. Research on the Calculation Method of Design Flood of Urban Stream Based on SCS Hydrological Model. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2019, 0(3): 167-171


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