As little domestic research on shaft tubular turbine pressure fluctuations has been done,special attention is paid to the effect of the vane angle and blade angle on the energy characteristics of shaft tubular turbine via numerical simulation of computational fluid dynamics ( CFD) ,with a hydro-power station model turbine as the object. Based on“Second Order Backward Euler”method,our analysis is focused on the variation of pressure pulsation of shaft tubular turbine under unsteady small,rated and mass flow conditions. As a result,with the increase in the angle of the guide vane,the efficiency of the turbine decreases first and then increases,but the efficiency range is very small,while the change of the blade angle has a greater influence. At a certain angle,the turbine reaches an high and relatively stable efficiency level,accompanied by better flow characteristics. From the inlet to the turbine region,the pulsating frequency is roughly stable,while the pulsating frequency in outlet channel increases,and noting that the effect of pressure pulsation generated by the draft tube will expand to the turbine,guide vane region. The research will be a theoretical reference for predicting the energy and pressure pulsation behavior of shaft tubular turbine.
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