1. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation,Jinshuitan Hydropower Plant,Lishui 320000,Zhejiang Province,China;
2. Key Laboratory of Transition Process of Hydraulic Machinery Ministry of Education,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China
Issue Date
To accurately extract the effective fault features,an adaptive VMD method based on backtracking algorithm and parameter sensitivity analysis is proposed. Firstly,appropriate decomposition preset parameters are selected by parameter sensitivity analysis,and then the optimal parameters are calculated by backtracking algorithm. Finally,the adaptive VMD method is used to analyze the vibration signal.The results show that this method not only solves the problem that the parameters of VMD cannot be adapted,but also has good vibration signal feature extraction function.
ZHANG Chang-wei,XU Cheng-mai,WANG Wei-yu,ZHENG Yang,CHENG Qi-juan.
An Improved VMD Analysis Method Based on Backtracking Algorithm Optimization. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2019, 0(6): 159-162
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