Application of Echo State Network in the Prediction of Water Level at Waterlogging Point

ZHANG Meng,ZHAO Liang-fang,QUAN Xing

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2019 ›› (6) : 56-59.

Application of Echo State Network in the Prediction of Water Level at Waterlogging Point

  • ZHANG Meng,ZHAO Liang-fang,QUAN Xing
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Regarding the low utilization rate of monitoring data from urban waterlogging monitoring system,a method based on PSO-ESN for prediction of water level at waterlogging sites is proposed.The historical rainfall and water level data are selected as input vector and the current water level is selected as output vector,the prediction model is established by dynamically approximating the mapping relationship between input and output vectors by echo state network,the future water level is predicted by iterative multi-step prediction method.Particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to relieve the subjective choice of key parameters of the model and the time series embedded dimension.The applicability of the model in the prediction of water level at waterlogging sites is showed by the example.Compared with traditional Elman neural network and BP neural network, the prediction accuracy of the model is respectively increased by 52.9 percent and 82.4 percent.The method can effectively use the monitoring data and provide a scientific foundation for the waterlogging warning and optimized scheduling of drainage system.

Key words

waterlogging / echo state network / particle swarm optimization / time series / water level prediction

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ZHANG Meng,ZHAO Liang-fang,QUAN Xing. Application of Echo State Network in the Prediction of Water Level at Waterlogging Point. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2019, 0(6): 56-59


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