The countryside small-sized irrigation pumping station takes a very important role in Chinese Agricultural production, a lack of management and low efficiency was a large number of countryside small-sized irrigation pumping stations’ biggest challenge. To solve the problems, a small-sized irrigation pumping station group monitoring control and management system has been designed in this paper ,the system adopted techniques of line communications ,wireless communications, sensor and automation.The hardware in this system are consist relays, water level sensors, hall sensors, smart meters, Intelligent electromagnetic flow meter , level gauges and camera. By this system and the epitasis software, we can collect dynamic small-sized irrigation pumping stations’ data, analysis and treat the data, simulate the status of equipments, save the data, make reports and print, intrusion alarm, etc. According to the data of the pumping stations with a long-time, the operation and management of pumping stations analyzed and evaluated, it guided the farmer irrigating, achieved the goal of high-efficiency and energy saving, high level automation, effective management, etc.
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