Comparative Study on Mathematical Model of Suitable Oasis Scale in Qiemo Oasis

China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2019 ›› (8) : 174-177.

Comparative Study on Mathematical Model of Suitable Oasis Scale in Qiemo Oasis

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Abstract: Oasis is a specific landscape in arid and semi-arid areas, which sustain the survival and development of human beings. The objectives of this paper is to build a suitable oasis scale mathematical model, combined with field investigation, historical statistical data, the characteristics of ecological environment and water quantity balance method and water and heat balance method, to evaluate the suitable development scale of Qiemo Oasis. The results showed that scale of oasis and cultivated land are 992.16 and 336.59 km2 in the Qiemo Oasis currently, respectively. A result obtained from the water quantity balance method indicates that the suitable scale of oasis and cultivated land are 1062.67 and 336.59 km2. The suitable scale of oasis and cultivated land less than the suitable scale, the oasis area of 70.51 km2 and the cultivated area of 185.71 km2 can be increased, and the area of the oasis can be expanded without being stability. A suitable oasis scale computation model obtained from water and heat balance indicates that the suitable oasis scale is 609.22-812.29 km2 and cultivated land is 92.66-123.55 km2. The existing oasis area and cultivated land larger than the suitable scale, which is beyond the size of suitable oasis and suitable cultivated land area of 0.2 and 0.6 times respectively. Therefore, oasis area should not be expanded. Through the relevant research and the actual situation in Qiemo oasis, the suitability index of oasis scale is 0.5358 in a metastable state, showing a trend of ecosystem degradation. It is need to pay more attention to oasis scale in order to maintain stability of oasis. The mathematical model for suitable oasis scale based on water and heat balance can be applied to evaluate the suitable scale of Qiemo oasis, which can provide a strategic decision for the sustainable utilization and management of water resources in Qiemo Oasis.

Key words

Qiemo oasis / water quantity balance / water and heat balance / comparison of mathematical models / empirical analysis

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. Comparative Study on Mathematical Model of Suitable Oasis Scale in Qiemo Oasis. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2019, 0(8): 174-177


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Dynamic evolution of typical arid oasis system and its ecological effects/case study of Hetian oasis;Oasis Suitable Scale and the Sustainable Development of Regional Ecological Environment / Case Study of Qiemo Oasis;Special project of talent training in western China




