The Effects of Drip Irrigation on Soil N2O Emissions from Farmland: A Review

ZHOU Shuang ,WANG Guang-shuai ,GAO Yang ,JIANG Xiao-hui , LI Huan-huan ,ZHANG Jun-peng ,ZHANG Jing-yi

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2020 ›› (1) : 8-12.

The Effects of Drip Irrigation on Soil N2O Emissions from Farmland: A Review

  • ZHOU Shuang1 ,WANG Guang-shuai2 ,GAO Yang2 ,JIANG Xiao-hui1 , LI Huan-huan2 ,ZHANG Jun-peng1 ,ZHANG Jing-yi2
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Irrigation directly affects the greenhouse gas emission process of farmland as an important measure to regulate soil moisture status. Drip irrigation has also attracted wide attention for its impact on greenhouse gas emissions as a new type of water-saving irrigation technology. The effects of drip irrigation on soil N2O emission in farmland are reviewed. Drip irrigation changes the soil microflora and the gas transmission rate by regulating soil moisture and soil temperature and then affects the production and emission rate of N2O in the soil. Drip irrigation does not destroy the soil structure, water, fertilizer, gas, heat, stable internal conditions, suitable for crop growth, promote the mineralization of soil organic nitrogen. However, there are still some shortcomings in the spatial heterogeneity of greenhouse gas emissions under drip irrigation conditions and the simultaneous quantitative research on various greenhouse gases(For example, research is done on the difference between N2O emission fluxes in soil dry and wet areas under drip irrigation conditions and the contemporaneous effects of different types of greenhouse gases). In the future, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of the simultaneous discharge of various greenhouse gases under drip irrigation and N2O emissions from different soil regions, and to increase the research on the mechanism of soil microbial production of N2O gas in the drip irrigation mode from the molecular level, in order to build an environment-friendly agricultural model.

Key words

drip irrigation / N2O emission / soil moisture / soil temperature

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ZHOU Shuang ,WANG Guang-shuai ,GAO Yang ,JIANG Xiao-hui , LI Huan-huan ,ZHANG Jun-peng ,ZHANG Jing-yi. The Effects of Drip Irrigation on Soil N2O Emissions from Farmland: A Review. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2020, 0(1): 8-12


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