Research on the Mechanism of Rural Green Industry Upgrade under Water Environmental Governance

HE Shou-kui, LIU Hao

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2020 ›› (11) : 62-66.

Research on the Mechanism of Rural Green Industry Upgrade under Water Environmental Governance

  • HE Shou-kui,LIU Hao
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As the Chinese economy is facing transformation and upgrading, serious environmental problems are receiving constant attention. It is very valuable to study water environmental governance and rural green industry upgrading. By using the provincial panel data of China from 2012 to 2015, the mechanism of rural green industry upgrading under water environmental governance is explored. A random-effect model is established to analyze the role of water environmental governance in the upgrading of rural green industries. The results show that pollution prevention can promote the upgrading of rural green industries. However, regional heterogeneity also exists, and the impact of water environmental governance in economically developed regions is more pronounced than in economically underdeveloped regions. Finally, relevant policy recommendations are proposed based on the research results.

Key words

water environmental governance / rural / industrial upgrading / random-effects model

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HE Shou-kui, LIU Hao. Research on the Mechanism of Rural Green Industry Upgrade under Water Environmental Governance. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2020, 0(11): 62-66


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国家社会科学基金年度项目“农村环境治理多元主体行 为逻辑与政策引导机制研究”( 18BJY094) 。
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