Hydraulic turbine governing system is a complex non-linear non-minimum phase system. In order to study its governing law thoroughly, this paper introduces a second-order generator dynamic model and ignores the frequency disturbance of the system based on the consideration of the non-linearity and elastic water hammer of the turbine and the non-linearity of the generator set.- Nonlinear model of mechanical-electrical combination. Taking PID parameters of governor as control parameters, the model is theoretically analyzed by direct criterion of Hopf bifurcation of six-dimensional autonomous system, and the stability region of the nonlinear system is obtained. Based on the bifurcation diagram, time domain response diagram and system trajectory diagram, the changes of the system topology structure with different governor parameters are analyzed. The results show that when the governor parameters are far away from the bifurcation point, the system can quickly converge and stabilize, which provides a theoretical basis for the setting of the control parameters and the safe and stable operation of the nonlinear turbine governing system.
Key words
hydraulic turbine regulating system /
nonlinear /
PID parameter /
bifurcation /
chaos analysis
{{custom_keyword}} /
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