Research on the Urban Storm Control Effect of Different LID Measures Based on SWMM

LIU Jie ,LI Yu-qiong ,ZHANG Xiang ,CHEN Hua

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2020 ›› (7) : 6-11.

Research on the Urban Storm Control Effect of Different LID Measures Based on SWMM

  • LIU Jie1,2 ,LI Yu-qiong3 ,ZHANG Xiang2 ,CHEN Hua2
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The urban residential areas in Chengdu City are selected as the study area. The SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) is used to simulate the runoff process when the study area encounters design storm with different return period under current situation and LID(Low Impact Development) applied situation. The results are then analyzed to estimate the reduction effects of sponge city based LID measures on urban storm flood. The results show that: ① the combined LID measures have more significant effects than any single LID measure in reducing total runoff and peak flow.In single LID measure programs, the Biological Retention Pool has more significant effects than the green roof and the grassed swale in runoff control. ② LID measures can effectively reduce urban storm flood, and relief the urban waterlogging in the original drainage system.

Key words

SWMM / LID / combined LID measures / urban storm flood control

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LIU Jie ,LI Yu-qiong ,ZHANG Xiang ,CHEN Hua. Research on the Urban Storm Control Effect of Different LID Measures Based on SWMM. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2020, 0(7): 6-11


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