Characteristics and Response Analysis of Precipitation and Runoff in the Source Area of the Yellow River
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Based on the precipitation data of meteorological stations around the source area of the Yellow River from 1961 to 2014 and the hydrological observation data of the basin above Tangnaihai, Mann Kendall Method, Spearman rank test, ordered clustering method and cumulative anomaly method are used to analyze the characteristics of precipitation runoff change in the source area, and then the response relationship of precipitation runoff is discussed by combining correlation analysis, Granger causality test and double cumulative curve method. The results show that the annual precipitation in the source area of the Yellow River shows an insignificant decrease trend, and the annual runoff shows a significant decrease trend. The minimum year of precipitation and runoff is 2002. At the 0.05 test level, there is no obvious mutation point in precipitation during the study period, and the runoff had a mutation in 1987. The correlation analysis and Granger causality test show that the response of precipitation runoff is weak. During the whole study period, precipitation is not the Granger cause of runoff change. Finally, the contribution rate of precipitation factor to runoff reduction is 6.1% and that of non-precipitation factor to runoff reduction is 93.9%. The precipitation in the source area of the Yellow River has little influence on runoff, which may be caused by human activities, industrial production and other non-precipitation factors.
Characteristics and Response Analysis of Precipitation and Runoff in the Source Area of the Yellow River. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2021, 0(2): 106-112
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