Assessment of Nutrient Distribution in River Ring Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Yong ZHANG, Yu ZHAN, Chuan-hua ZHU, Hao ZHOU, Chen YANG, Qun-lin HU, Guang-song XU, Si-man WANG, Hui WANG
Assessment of Nutrient Distribution in River Ring Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Eutrophication is a major problem in rivers and lakes all over the world. Regular monitoring of water quality and establishment of appropriate models are of great significance in the effective management of water eutrophication. The purpose of this study is to establish a remote sensing retrieval model for water quality and evaluate the nutrient distribution. of the Ring River.The mathematical model has been established by correlation analysis between the reflection value of Landsat-8 satellite images and the water quality values of field sampling.The results indicated that :① The linear model is the best, which can predict the nutrient distribution of the water body, and the fitting degree of the inversion models for total nitrogen, total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen are 0.823 0, 0.635 5 and 0.792 8, respectively; ② The best correlation between reflection and the measured values are band3 and band 4; ③ From the spatial perspective, the eutrophication level in the north of the Ring River is worse than the south, because it affected by surrounding environment that reside more population, and by the influx from South Fehe River which is polluted more seriously.
Landsat-8 / remote sensing retrieval model / eutrophication / water quality assessment {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 Inversion model of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen concentration表1 总氮、总磷、氨氮浓度反演模型 |
自变量x | 数学模型 | 拟合度R 2 | ||
总氮 | 总磷 | 氨氮 | ||
B3 | 线性 | 0.699 8 | 0.642 1 | 0.647 6 |
对数 | 0.728 3 | 0.666 7 | 0.658 5 | |
多项式 | 0.759 2 | 0.698 4 | 0.673 2 | |
B4 | 线性 | 0.631 5 | 0.572 1 | 0.565 5 |
对数 | 0.644 6 | 0.581 5 | 0. 563 9 | |
多项式 | 0.655 1 | 0.591 4 | 0.569 5 | |
B3-b4 | 线性 | 0.697 2 | 0.647 9 | 0.666 6 |
对数 | 0.738 8 | 0.689 2 | 0. 690 9 | |
多项式 | 0.779 0 | 0.740 3 | 0.712 6 | |
1/B3 | 线性 | 0.726 4 | 0.661 4 | 0.640 0 |
对数 | 0.728 3 | 0.666 7 | 0. 658 5 | |
多项式 | 0.738 7 | 0.679 1 | 0.678 8 | |
1/B4 | 线性 | 0.638 5 | 0.572 3 | 0.544 7 |
对数 | 0.644 6 | 0.581 5 | 0. 563 9 | |
多项式 | 0.650 3 | 0.589 8 | 0.581 8 |
Tab.2 Inversion model statistical results表2 反演模型统计结果 |
反演模型 | TN | TP | NH3-N |
类型 | 线性 | 线性 | 线性 |
公式 | y=14 315x-17.34 | y=1 054x-1.2168 | y=8 796.7x-11.244 |
R 2 | 0.823 0 | 0.635 5 | 0.792 8 |
RMSE | 2.501 153 | 0.371 444 | 1.752 716 |
Tab.3 Inversion results of water quality indexes and eutrophication evaluation at each point表3 各点水质指标反演结果与富营养化评价 |
位置点号 | 总氮/(mg·L-1) | 总磷/(mg·L-1) | 氨氮/(mg·L-1) | 评分值M | 评价结果 |
1 | 0.096 1 | 0.067 0 | 0.116 4 | 33 | 中营养 |
2 | 5.454 6 | 0.461 5 | 0.445 3 | 57 | 富营养 |
3 | 6.800 0 | 0.560 6 | 2.268 0 | 70 | 极富营养 |
4 | 4.025 7 | 0.356 3 | 0.542 8 | 63 | 极富营养 |
5 | 0.849 3 | 0.122 5 | 0.169 1 | 50 | 中-富营养 |
6 | 1.926 5 | 0.201 8 | 0.274 4 | 57 | 富营养 |
7 | 10.728 6 | 0.849 9 | 2.889 0 | 70 | 极富营养 |
8 | 10.402 2 | 0.825 8 | 4.791 9 | 70 | 极富营养 |
9 | 19.649 7 | 1.506 7 | 9.271 3 | 70 | 极富营养 |
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