Field Distribution of Water and Salinity under Well Drainage Combined Irrigation
Xue-ping ZHANG, Na LI, Ping-jin JIAO, Bi-xuan CHI
Field Distribution of Water and Salinity under Well Drainage Combined Irrigation
To alleviate the effect of soil secondary salinization on agricultural sustainable development, this paper explores the temporal and spatial distribution of soil water and salinity and topsoil salt accumulation under well drainage combined irrigation. The basin experiment is conducted to address the temporal and spatial distribution of soil water and salinity under the well drainage combined irrigation, canal irrigation and combined groundwater and surface water irrigation. The field experiment is implemented to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of soil water and salinity along well radial distance. The appropriate groundwater depth and soil water content and salinity are maintained by the combined groundwater and surface water irrigation, and the groundwater depth and soil water content and salinity are 1.6~5.0 m, 10%~25% and 300~500 µS/cm respectively. Groundwater depth decreases along the well radial distance, and groundwater drawdown decreases by 0.35 m with the radial distance increase of 100 m. Soil profile salinity increases along well radial distance, and accumulated soil salts show a weak relationship with the groundwater depth. The well drainage combined irrigation has the potential to maintain the water and salinity balance and agricultural sustainable development, and reduced well spacing can attenuate salt accumulation because of salt leaching reduced by shallow groundwater depth far away from the well.
well drainage / well irrigation / soil salinity / combined groundwater and surface water irrigation / canal irrigation / soil water {{custom_keyword}} /
Fig.4 Temporal variation of groundwater depth along radial distance图4 地下水埋深沿径向距离的时间变化 |
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