The Effect of Sand-incorporation on Salt Leaching of Saline Soil in the Yellow River Delta
Song GAO, Bo QI, Jing-jiang LI, Ting-wu LEI
The Effect of Sand-incorporation on Salt Leaching of Saline Soil in the Yellow River Delta
Saline soil developed on sedimentation in the Yellow River Delta has compact structure, high bulk density, and low permeability, which leads to the difficulty of salt leaching. This study analyzes the effects of sand-incorporation rates (0%, 20%, 50%) on soil salt leaching by indoor soil column experiment. The results show that sand-incorporation can significantly increase the speed of salt leaching, shorten the leaching time, and reduce the electrical conductivity of leaching solution under the same leaching volume. With the increase in sand-incorporation rate, the desalination rates of K+, Mg2+ and Cl- after leaching have no significant variation, the desalination rates of Na+ and Ca2+ have increased, the desalination rate of SO4 2- has reduced, the total salt desalination rate has increased, and the better the ion composition of soil. The pH of soil has increased significantly after leaching, which leads to soil alkalization, but the higher the sand-incorporation rate, the less the increase of pH, the lower the degree of soil alkalization. Sand-incorporation can significantly reduce the SAR of soil, and the more the sand-incorporation rate, the lower the SAR of soil after salt leaching. The results will provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of saline soil in the Yellow River Delta.
yellow river delta / saline soil / sand-incorporation / salt leaching / desalination rate {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 The physical and chemical properties of experiment soil表1 供试土壤的理化性质 |
土样 | 土壤容重/(g·cm-3) | 风干含水率/% | pH | EC 5∶1/(mS·cm-1) | 全盐量/(g·kg-1) |
供试土壤 | 1.52 | 1.84 | 8.07 | 1.84 | 6.29 |
Tab.2 Content of soil salt ion before and after leaching表2 淋洗前后土壤盐离子的含量 (g/kg) |
土壤样品 | 离子含量 | ||||||
K+ | Na+ | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | Cl– | SO4 2– | HCO3 – | |
淋洗前 | 0.055a | 2.070a | 0.289a | 0.135a | 2.598a | 0.848a | 0.292d |
混沙0%淋洗后 | 0.022b | 0.296b | 0.051b | 0.018b | 0.044b | 0.079d | 0.674a |
混沙20%淋洗后 | 0.023b | 0.271c | 0.045b | 0.019b | 0.037b | 0.102c | 0.617b |
混沙50%淋洗后 | 0.023b | 0.136d | 0.037c | 0.019b | 0.037b | 0.141b | 0.432c |
Tab.3 Variation of soil pH and SAR before and after leaching in different treatments表3 不同处理土壤淋洗前后pH和SAR的变化 |
土壤样品 | 碱化指标 | |
pH | SAR | |
淋洗前 | 8.04d | 15.88a |
混沙0%淋洗后 | 8.64a | 5.74b |
混沙20%淋洗后 | 8.47b | 5.36c |
混沙50%淋洗后 | 8.27c | 2.85d |
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