Effects of Biochar with Different Particle Size and Dosage on Saline Alkali Soil and Tomato
Rong-hui ZHOU, Cheng-li ZHU, Ming-yi HUANG, Fan ZHANG, Ya-ming ZHAI
Effects of Biochar with Different Particle Size and Dosage on Saline Alkali Soil and Tomato
Taking two kinds of typical coastal saline-alkali soil (silt loam and sandy loam) as the research object, different particle sizes (1~2 mm, <1 mm) and different addition amounts of biochar (0,2.5%, 5%) are applied. Then the pot experiment of tomato is carried out to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of soil and the yield and quality of tomatoes so as to understand the function and effect of biochar on improving coastal saline-alkali soil.The results show that: ① In addition to the 2.5% addition treatment in sandy loam, biochar significantly reduces soil bulk density, improves the three-phase ratio of soil, reduces conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio, increases soil nutrient content. And the soil physical and chemical properties of 5% biochar treatment are better than that of 2.5% biochar treatment. The effect of 1~2 mm biochar on reducing bulk density and conductivity is better, and the effect of < 1mm biochar on increasing part of nutrient content is better. ② Tomato yield is the highest in silty loam with 5% application of 1~2 mm particle size biochar, which is 20.6% higher than the control. Tomato yield is the highest in the sandy loam with 5% application of <1mm particle size biochar, which is 19.8% higher than the control. The mass concentrations of soluble solids, soluble sugar, vitamin C and titratable acid in tomato increases with the application of biochar, but there is no significant correlation with the particle size of biochar.
coastal saline-alkali soil / biochar / particle size / dosage / tomato {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 Main properties of coastal saline soils and biochars表 1 滨海盐渍土及生物炭主要特性 |
性质 | 粉砂壤土 | 砂壤土 | 1~2 mm 生物炭 | <1 mm 生物炭 |
容重/(g·cm-3) | 1.46 | 1.35 | 0.25 | 0.29 |
田间持水率/(m3·m-3) | 32.1 | 27.3 | - | - |
砂粒/% | 22.8 | 60.3 | - | - |
粉粒/% | 62.5 | 27.2 | - | - |
黏粒/% | 14.7 | 12.5 | - | - |
比表面积 | - | - | 5.6 | 9.0 |
有机碳/(g·kg-1) | 6.98 | 4.42 | 563.00 | 720.00 |
EC/(dS·m-1) | 3.51 | 3.43 | 4.14 | 4.68 |
SAR | 11.3 | 10.6 | - | - |
pH | 8.36 | 7.82 | 10.24 | 10.38 |
全氮含量/(g·kg-1) | 0.36 | 0.33 | 15.20 | 17.00 |
有机质含量/(g·kg-1) | 5.68 | 4.33 | 18.20 | 23.10 |
有效氮含量/(g·kg-1) | 0.015 | 0.009 | 0.900 | 1.200 |
速效磷含量/(g·kg-1) | 0.038 | 0.024 | 10.900 | 10.100 |
速效钾含量/(g·kg-1) | 0.158 | 0.116 | 53.700 | 58.200 |
Tab.2 Test Scheme Design表 2 试验方案设计表 |
处理 | A 土壤类型 | B 生物炭含量/% | C 生物炭粒径/mm |
F0 | F | 0 | - |
FC2.5 | F | 2.5 | 1~2 |
FX2.5 | F | 2.5 | <1 |
FC5 | F | 5.0 | 1~2 |
FX5 | F | 5.0 | <1 |
S0 | S | 0 | - |
SC2.5 | S | 2.5 | 1~2 |
SX2.5 | S | 2.5 | <1 |
SC5 | S | 5.0 | 1~2 |
SX5 | S | 5.0 | <1 |
Tab.3 Effects of biochar addition and particle size on soil conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio and available nutrients in different saline soils表3 生物炭添加量及粒径对不同盐渍土土壤电导率、钠吸附比和速效养分的影响 |
处理 | EC/ (dS·m-1) | SAR/ (mmol·L-1)0.5 | 有机碳含量/ % | 有效氮含量/ (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾含量/ (mg·kg-1) |
F0 | 2.35±0.02a | 10.2±1.1a | 7.0±0.5c | 18.4±0.8c | 46.3±1.5d | 196.4±10.9e |
FC2.5 | 2.23±0.02c | 8.5±0.9c | 7.7±0.2b | 22.6±0.2b | 56.8±1.4b | 277.8±13.8d |
FX2.5 | 2.28±0.03b | 9.3±0.8c | 7.8±0.6b | 20.1±1b | 57.5±1.0b | 328.2±8.9b |
FC5 | 2.12±0.01d | 7.4±1.2d | 7.9±0.3b | 22.9±1.8b | 58.9±0.4b | 332.7±15.3b |
FX5 | 2.26±0.02b | 8.2±0.9d | 8.8±0.1a | 25.3±0.8a | 69.5±1.2a | 349.8±9.7a |
S0 | 2.22±0.03c | 9.7±0.8b | 4.4±0.6f | 9.7±0.5f | 26.3±1.1f | 182.1±6.0e |
SC2.5 | 2.13±0.02d | 8.3±0.8c | 4.8±0.3f | 12.3±0.5ef | 38.3±0.6e | 269.3±5.1d |
SX2.5 | 2.20±0.04c | 9.5±1.0b | 4.6±0.8f | 10.4±0.7f | 27.3±0.6f | 192.4±12.9e |
SC5 | 2.03±0.02e | 7.1±1.0d | 5.4±0.4e | 14.3±1.6e | 44.4±0.8d | 297.6±11.7c |
SX5 | 2.13±0.02d | 8.4±0.9c | 6.2±0.7d | 15.2±1.3d | 50.2±0.7c | 334.8±8.9b |
Tab.4 Effects of biochar addition and particle size on tomato fruit quality in different saline soils表 4 生物炭添加量及粒径对不同盐渍土番茄果实品质的影响 |
处理 | 可溶性固形物/10-3 | 可溶性糖/10-3 | VC/10-3 | 可滴定酸/10-3 | 糖酸比 |
F0 | 52.8±0.7e | 48.5±0.8d | 117.9±3.4d | 4.7±0.1d | 10.4±0.8a |
FC2.5 | 62.5±1.0c | 53.6±0.6b | 125.0±0.7b | 5.2±0.1c | 10.4±0.6a |
FX2.5 | 64.6±0.9c | 52.8±0.7bc | 122.9±1.0bc | 5.1±0.1c | 10.5±0.9a |
FC5 | 70.6±0.9b | 57.2±1.4a | 130.9±1.0a | 5.9±0.1b | 9.8±0.6a |
FX5 | 65.3±0.6c | 52.5±0.9c | 122.5±1.3bc | 5.2±0.1c | 10.2±0.5a |
S0 | 57.6±1.1d | 51.7±0.6c | 118.7±0.6d | 5.1±0.1c | 10.2±1.2a |
SC2.5 | 58.4±0.7d | 52.3±0.4c | 121.4±0.8cd | 5.3±0.1c | 10.0±1.3a |
SX2.5 | 59.1±1.6d | 52.4±0.5c | 121.8±0.3cd | 5.2±0.1c | 10.2±0.9a |
SC5 | 72.6±0.9a | 57.3±0.4a | 129.0±0.6a | 6.5±0.1a | 8.9±1.3a |
SX5 | 73.3±1.3a | 58.8±0.5a | 130.6±0.5a | 6.4±0.1a | 9.3±0.8a |
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