Evaluation of Water Resources Utilization in the Taihu Basin from the Perspective of Water Footprint
LIU Can-hui, JIN Wen-long, SUN Ying-jie, CHEN Kang-li
Evaluation of Water Resources Utilization in the Taihu Basin from the Perspective of Water Footprint
In order to fully understand the current situation of water resources utilization in the cities in the Taihu Basin under the background of the most stringent water resources management system, this paper summarizes the existing problems, and explores the future development direction of sustainable water resources. Based on the perspective of water footprint, it studies the utilization of water resources in the Taihu Basin and eight cities including Shanghai in the basin from 2015 to 2019,combined with the LMDI(Lograrithmic Mean Divisia Index method) model to analyze the driving effect of population,wealth, and technical level on the changing in water footprint,and build an evaluation index system for the sustainable use of water resources.The results show that the total water footprint of the Taihu Basin has been declining in the past five years,the industrial and agricultural water footprints have been declining,and the domestic water footprint has been rising.Among the cities,Shanghai has the largest total water footprint and Jiaxing has the smallest.Technical level factors have the greatest impact on water footprint change,and population factors have the least impact.The degree of affluence and population are positively driven,and the technical level is negatively driven.The water footprint structure of the Taihu Basin is relatively stable,Shanghai and Suzhou are highly dependent on external water resources. The overall water footprint benefit continues to increase,with significant differences among cities in each indicator;the ecological security situation of the water footprint is not optimistic,but it has shown a continuous improvement in the past three years.The research results indicate that in the future, cities in the Taihu Basin should increase investment in water-saving technologies, techniques and equipment when formulating and adjusting water resources management policies,promote the efficient development and utilization of agricultural and industrial water,strengthen the management of domestic water quotas,and pay attention to the pressure of population growth on water resources,continuously improve the utilization rate of water resources,and realize the sustainable use of regional water resources.
Taihu Basin / water footprint / LMDI / driving factors / water resources utilization {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 Virtual water content of various agricultural and livestock products表1 各种农畜产品虚拟水含量 (m3/kg) |
产品 | 粮食 | 油料 | 水果 | 猪肉 | 牛肉 | 羊肉 | 禽肉 | 禽蛋 | 淡水产品 |
虚拟水含量 | 1.10 | 2.10 | 0.83 | 2.21 | 12.56 | 5.20 | 3.65 | 3.55 | 5.00 |
Tab.2 Evaluation index system of water resources utilization in Taihu Basin表2 太湖流域水资源利用评价指标体系 |
评价结构 | 评价指标 | 核算公式 | 基本含义 | |
水足迹结构 | 水资源自给率 | (WI /W)×100% | 区域对本地水资源使用程度 | |
水资源进口依赖度 | (WE /W)×100% | 区域对外部水资源的依赖程度 | ||
水足迹效益 | 内部效益指标 | 万吨水足迹人口密度 | P/W | 水足迹支撑人口水平 |
水足迹经济效益 | G/W | 水资源利用经济效率 | ||
水足迹土地密度 | W/A,A为土地面积 | 水足迹能承载的土地面积大小 | ||
水资源负载指数 | | 水资源利用水平与人口和经济发展之间的关系 | ||
外部效益指标 | 水足迹净贸易量 | Wex -WE | 水资源贸易情况 | |
水资源贡献率 | (Wex -WE )/W A | 对其他区域的水资源贡献程度 | ||
水资源生态安全 | 水资源匮乏指标 | (W/W A)×100% | 水资源紧缺程度 | |
水资源压力指数 | (WI +Wex )/W A×100% | 对可利用水资源量作用强度 |
Tab.3 The Taihu Basin water footprint and average water footprint of 8 cities from 2015 to 2019表3 太湖流域2015—2019年水足迹及8市平均水足迹 (亿m3) |
年份/城市 | 农业水足迹 | 工业水足迹 | 生活水足迹 | 生态水足迹 | 出口水足迹 | 进口水足迹 | 总水足迹 | |
太湖流域历年水足迹 | 2015年 | 228.09 | 135.30 | 59.21 | 4.57 | 123.08 | 95.23 | 399.32 |
2016年 | 213.17 | 137.43 | 59.14 | 4.06 | 114.57 | 89.57 | 388.79 | |
2017年 | 202.68 | 119.10 | 62.26 | 4.32 | 110.81 | 92.05 | 369.60 | |
2018年 | 196.43 | 118.36 | 62.20 | 4.28 | 108.30 | 92.16 | 365.13 | |
2019年 | 188.82 | 115.02 | 63.62 | 3.48 | 98.69 | 80.28 | 352.53 | |
各城市平均水足迹 | 上海 | 24.85 | 35.55 | 24.51 | 0.82 | 32.76 | 46.20 | 99.18 |
苏州 | 24.83 | 28.34 | 8.95 | 0.36 | 38.09 | 26.03 | 50.43 | |
无锡 | 16.34 | 19.33 | 4.78 | 0.22 | 10.71 | 6.83 | 36.79 | |
常州 | 22.54 | 10.34 | 4.52 | 0.83 | 5.95 | 2.05 | 34.33 | |
镇江 | 22.90 | 15.11 | 1.43 | 0.41 | 3.47 | 1.64 | 38.01 | |
杭州 | 31.60 | 9.41 | 11.03 | 0.86 | 8.78 | 3.83 | 47.95 | |
嘉兴 | 27.55 | 4.36 | 3.51 | 0.36 | 7.54 | 2.76 | 30.99 | |
湖州 | 35.23 | 2.59 | 2.57 | 0.28 | 3.80 | 0.53 | 37.40 |
Tab.4 Decomposition effect of driving factors of water footprint in Taihu Basin from 2016 to 2019表4 太湖流域2016-2019年水足迹驱动因素分解效应 |
年份 | 人口数量 | 富裕程度 | 技术水平 | 合计 |
2016年 | 1.97 | 33.84 | -46.34 | -10.53 |
2017年 | 9.82 | 165.22 | -234.50 | -59.45 |
2018年 | 18.82 | 287.28 | -408.68 | -102.58 |
2019年 | 37.41 | 507.38 | -731.96 | -187.17 |
均值 | 17.00 | 248.43 | -355.37 | -89.93 |
比例/% | 2.74 | 40.02 | 57.24 | 100.00 |
Tab.5 Water footprint structure of the Taihu Basin from 2015 to 2019表 5 太湖流域2015-2019年水足迹结构 |
年份 | 总外部足迹/亿m³ | 总内部水足迹/亿m³ | 水资源自给率/% | 进口依赖度/% |
2015 | 95.23 | 304.09 | 76.15 | 23.85 |
2016 | 89.57 | 299.23 | 76.96 | 23.04 |
2017 | 92.05 | 277.55 | 75.09 | 24.91 |
2018 | 92.16 | 272.97 | 74.76 | 25.24 |
2019 | 80.28 | 272.25 | 77.23 | 22.77 |
Tab.6 Water footprint benefits of the Taihu Basin from 2015 to 2019表6 太湖流域2015-2019年水足迹效益 |
年份 | 内部效益 | 外部效益 | ||||
水足迹经济效益/(元·m-3) | 水足迹土地密度/(万m3·km-2) | 万吨水足迹人口密度/(人·万t-1) | 水资源负载指数 | 水资源贡献率/% | 水足迹净贸易量/亿m3 | |
2015 | 182.32 | 73.37 | 16.46 | 19.15 | 4.81 | 27.86 |
2016 | 204.72 | 71.44 | 16.99 | 17.87 | 3.84 | 25.00 |
2017 | 238.03 | 67.91 | 17.98 | 30.76 | 5.35 | 18.76 |
2018 | 262.86 | 67.09 | 18.35 | 28.25 | 4.39 | 16.14 |
2019 | 289.03 | 64.78 | 19.23 | 28.93 | 4.60 | 18.41 |
Fig.4 Average internal water footprint benefits of cities in the Taihu Basin from 2015 to 2019图4 太湖流域各市2015-2019年平均内部水足迹效益 |
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