Impact Analysis of Hydrological Regime Changes in Irtysh River Basin Valley Ecosystem and Suggestions for Ecological Restoration

JIANG Xv-xin, HUANG Jing, ZHANG Yan, LI Ji-qing

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2019 ›› (10) : 12-16.

Impact Analysis of Hydrological Regime Changes in Irtysh River Basin Valley Ecosystem and Suggestions for Ecological Restoration

  • JIANG Xv-xin1 ,HUANG Jing2 ,ZHANG Yan1 ,LI Ji-qing2
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The Irtysh River Valley Ecosystem is an important strategic water reserve area and an ecological barrier against natural disasters in Xinjiang. Affected by the construction of water conservancy projects, deforestation, overgrazing and other factors, the hydrological regime in the Irtysh River Basin has changed, causing problems such as the migration of migratory fish, the decline of forest and grass area, and the decline of biodiversity. In order to explore the relationship between hydrological regime change and ecological environment change, this study used the IHA-RVA method (Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration-Rang of Variability Approach) to evaluate the hydrological change degree of the BEJ hydrological station in the Irtysh River Basin. Studies have shown that the Irtysh Valley ecosystem is moderately altered and the following measures are recommended: (1) Ensure the demand for ecological water, and the ecological flow should follow the laws of natural abundance, flatness and dry season in the basin; (2) Arranging fish facilities and controlling the number of high and low flow pulse occurrences within a reasonable range; (3) Water conservancy project should cooperate with each other to carry out ecological flooding and dispatching from May to July, and timely replenish groundwater.

Key words

hydrological regime changes / IHA-RVA method / ecological restoration / Irtysh River Basin

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JIANG Xv-xin, HUANG Jing, ZHANG Yan, LI Ji-qing. Impact Analysis of Hydrological Regime Changes in Irtysh River Basin Valley Ecosystem and Suggestions for Ecological Restoration. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2019, 0(10): 12-16


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