Hangjin Banner has witnessed many explorations and practices in rational development,efficient utilization,effective protection
and integrated management of water resources. Focus on ensuring efficient water saving in pastoral areas,water right transformation and
agricultural water price reform in yellow river irrigation areas,practical work on industrial water saving,urban domestic water use,ecological
environment control and drinking water security for people and livestock in rural and pastoral areas should be carried out. The construction of
unconventional water utilization project,cultivation of market system for water trading has been strengthened. In view of the problems existing
in the development and utilization of water resources,the strategy of high - efficiency utilization of water resources should be formulated
scientifically. The most stringent water resources management system has been implemented,water resources and eco - environmental
protection and scientific and technological support for water resources has also been strengthened. The efficient utilization of water resources
has been achieved to support sustainable economic and social development.
Key words
water resources /
efficient utilization /
sustainable utilization
{{custom_keyword}} /
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