Research on the Feasibility of the Resource Utilization of Dredging Sediments: a Case Study in Wenruitang River

HU Ru-yi , ZHOU Pei-pei , MEI Kun , SHANG Xu , HUANG Hong , HUANG Shu-hu

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China Rural Water and Hydropower ›› 2020 ›› (10) : 121-125.

Research on the Feasibility of the Resource Utilization of Dredging Sediments: a Case Study in Wenruitang River

  • HU Ru-yi 1 ,ZHOU Pei-pei 2 ,MEI Kun3 ,SHANG Xu2 ,HUANG Hong4 ,HUANG Shu-hu3
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A large number of dredging projects have been carried on in many regions along with the promotion of water pollution prevention and management, yet how to deal with the dredging sediments is another environment issue. This paper monitors the heavy metal elements (Hg,As,Cd,Pb,Cr,Ni,Cu and Zn) in sediments in 14 rivers in Wenruitang River Watershed in Zhejiang Province, and assesses the feasibility for resource utilization of the dredging sediment. Results show that according to Plant Soil for Greening (GJ/T340-2016), sediments in 1, 3, 1 and 9 of the rivers are conforming to Grade Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ of greed land, respectively. According to Soil Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Agricultural Land (GB15618-2018), sediments in 3 of the rivers are lower than the risk screening values, while for the remaining 11 rivers are ranging between risk screening values and risk intervention values. According to Soil Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Development Land (GB36600-2018), sediments in only 1 of the rivers are ranging between the risk screening values of Grade I and Grade Ⅱ, while the remaining 13 rivers are lower than the risk screening values of Grade Ⅰ. In general, the dredging sediments in the rivers in study area are appropriate for Grade Ⅳ of green land, as well as Grade Ⅱ of development land.

Key words

dredging sediment / resource utilization / risk screening value / risk intervention value / assessment

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HU Ru-yi , ZHOU Pei-pei , MEI Kun , SHANG Xu , HUANG Hong , HUANG Shu-hu. Research on the Feasibility of the Resource Utilization of Dredging Sediments: a Case Study in Wenruitang River. China Rural Water and Hydropower. 2020, 0(10): 121-125


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