Model Tests of a Retaining Wall Constructed with Soilbags and Upper-bound Solution of Critical Height
Cheng-bin ZHANG, Jian-lei WANG, Ke-wei FAN, Shuang CHEN, Zhi-qiang LAI, Ying-jun SONG
Model Tests of a Retaining Wall Constructed with Soilbags and Upper-bound Solution of Critical Height
Model tests are conducted to obtain the failure mode of the retaining wall with soilbags and the slip surface of the backfilled soil. Based on this, a velocity field is established. The angle of the slip surface is then solved using limit analysis upper bound method. Afterwards the slip angle is used to calculate the critical height of the wall and the earth pressure acting on the wall. The calculation results are verified by model test results, and it is found that the calculated critical height of retaining wall and the earth pressure behind the wall are basically consistent with the test results, which show that the calculated results using limit analysis upper bound method are reliable.
soilbags / retaining wall / model test / upper-bound solution {{custom_keyword}} /
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0.2 | 0.32 | 0.36 | 0.4 | 0.75 | 2 | 1.28 | 35.4 |
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