Multifunctional Planning and Utilization State and Trend of Urban Waterfront
Ji-chang WU, Ming-ming PING, Dao-bin JI, Bin LI, Hui LI
Multifunctional Planning and Utilization State and Trend of Urban Waterfront
Urban waterfront is an important medium connecting cities and nature. It has irreplaceable functions in other fields such as flood storage and drought relief, soil and water conservation, improvement of urban ecological environment and improvement of regional biodiversity. In recent years, there are many cases of planning and utilizing urban waterfront, but most of the forms are still relatively single. The research on supporting urban theme function, fully embodying ecology, landscape, humanism and culture needs to be studied further. Combined with the current situation at home and abroad, this paper systematically summarizes the current situation of urban waterfront construction and renovation technologies and ideas, and discusses in depth the entirety, ecology, humanistic and diversified urban waterfront areas, combined with the regional culture and other aspects of the study, and puts forward the future direction of waterfront construction and rebuilding.
urban waterfront / multifunctional planning and utilization / ecology and landscape {{custom_keyword}} /
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