Application of the EEMD-ARIMA Combined Model in Drought Prediction: A Case Study in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
De-he XU, Yan DING, Qi ZHANG, Hui-ping HUANG
Application of the EEMD-ARIMA Combined Model in Drought Prediction: A Case Study in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
In the context of global warming, drought becomes more and more frequent, causing negative impacts on agricultural and social activities. Based on the daily precipitation data of meteorological stations from 1960 to 2019 in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, this paper calculates the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) in a timeframe of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 months, then time series SPI at different temporal scales are predicted by ARIMA model and EEMD-ARIMA combined model. And the effectiveness of model is judged by the evaluation standard of RMSE, MAE, and R2 . The main conclusions are as follows: the forecast results of the EEMD-ARIMA combined model in Xinjiang are consistent with Xinjiang yearbook. Therefore, the combined model can be used in the prediction of drought. Compared with ARIMA model, EEMD-ARIMA combined model can effectively reduce the non-stationary of series and match the SPI series better. The prediction accuracy of EEMD-ARIMA combined model is higher than that of ARIMA model at each time scale. The combined model has significant advantages in drought prediction.
drought prediction / ARIMA model / EEMD-ARIMA combined model / SPI {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 Information of sample meteorological stations表1 示例气象站点信息 |
区站号 | 站名 | 经度/(°E) | 纬度/(°N) | 海拔/m |
51068 | 福海 | 87.28 | 47.07 | 500.9 |
51542 | 巴音布鲁克 | 84.09 | 43.02 | 2458 |
51811 | 莎车 | 77.16 | 38.26 | 1 231.2 |
Tab.2 Drought classification based on SPI表2 标准化降水指数干旱分级 |
等级 | 类型 | SPI范围 |
1 | 无旱 | SPI>-0.5 |
2 | 轻旱 | -1.0<SPI≤-0.5 |
3 | 中旱 | -1.5<SPI≤-1.0 |
4 | 重旱 | -2.0<SPI≤-1.5 |
5 | 特旱 | SPI≤-2.0 |
Tab.3 Order the ARIMA model based on six scales SPI values表3 六尺度SPI序列的ARIMA模型定阶 |
站点 | SPI序列 | p | d | q | AIC | BIC |
福海 | SPI 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 015.450 | 2 033.761 |
SPI 3 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 395.748 | 1 423.198 | |
SPI 6 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 950.322 | 991.460 | |
SPI 9 | 8 | 0 | 3 | 615.929 | 675.296 | |
SPI 12 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 314.084 | 364.271 | |
SPI 24 | 1 | 0 | 1 | -162.364 | -144.182 | |
巴音布鲁克 | SPI 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 024.907 | 2 038.641 |
SPI 3 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 570.411 | 1 588.711 | |
SPI 6 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 1 382.345 | 1 414.341 | |
SPI 9 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 127.860 | 1 141.560 | |
SPI 12 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 697.394 | 711.081 | |
SPI 24 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 132.625 | 146.261 | |
莎车 | SPI 1 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 1 646.146 | 1 669.036 |
SPI 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 470.492 | 1 502.518 | |
SPI 6 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 1 226.602 | 1 258.599 | |
SPI 9 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 936.908 | 959.741 | |
SPI 12 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 442.679 | 492.866 | |
SPI 24 | 2 | 0 | 1 | -78.242 | -55.515 |
Fig.4 Comparison of predicted and observed value of multi-time scale SPI of ARIMA model and EEMD-ARIMA combined model in Fuhai Station(2008-2019)图4 基于ARIMA模型与EEMD-ARIMA组合模型对福海站多时间尺度SPI值的预测结果与观测值计算结果对比(2008-2019) |
Fig.5 Comparison of predicted and observed value of multi-time scale SPI of ARIMA model and EEMD-ARIMA combined model in Bayinbuluke Station(2008-2019)图5 基于ARIMA模型与EEMD-ARIMA组合模型对巴音布鲁克站多时间尺度SPI值的预测结果与观测值计算结果对比(2008-2019) |
Tab.4 MAE、RMSE and R 2 values for ARIMA and EEMD-ARIMA models表4 ARIMA模型和 EEMD-ARIMA组合模型的MAE、RMSE、R 2值 |
站点 | 时间尺度 | 模型 | MAE | RMSE | R2 |
福海站 | 1 | ARIMA | 0.808 0 | 1.030 7 | -0.054 4 |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.513 4 | 0.606 7 | 0.634 7 | ||
3 | ARIMA | 0.478 8 | 0.601 5 | 0.540 8 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.262 4 | 0.320 0 | 0.870 0 | ||
6 | ARIMA | 0.373 1 | 0.465 4 | 0.662 7 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.139 6 | 0.170 8 | 0.954 6 | ||
9 | ARIMA | 0.268 3 | 0.359 2 | 0.742 0 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.099 2 | 0.125 7 | 0.968 4 | ||
12 | ARIMA | 0.212 6 | 0.285 6 | 0.816 3 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.079 0 | 0.094 3 | 0.980 0 | ||
24 | ARIMA | 0.150 6 | 0.200 6 | 0.848 4 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.048 7 | 0.060 7 | 0.986 1 | ||
巴音布鲁克站 | 1 | ARIMA | 0.847 0 | 1.074 5 | -0.086 6 |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.538 9 | 0.636 8 | 0.618 3 | ||
3 | ARIMA | 0.600 3 | 0.775 0 | 0.375 1 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.323 2 | 0.392 4 | 0.839 8 | ||
6 | ARIMA | 0.504 5 | 0.653 6 | 0.514 1 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.213 5 | 0.266 4 | 0.919 3 | ||
9 | ARIMA | 0.387 6 | 0.552 1 | 0.621 4 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.160 3 | 0.223 3 | 0.938 1 | ||
12 | ARIMA | 0.272 5 | 0.413 4 | 0.766 7 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.117 5 | 0.165 3 | 0.962 7 | ||
24 | ARIMA | 0.165 1 | 0.241 4 | 0.918 4 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.062 2 | 0.078 6 | 0.991 3 | ||
莎车站 | 1 | ARIMA | 0.550 5 | 0.742 7 | 0.000 4 |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.372 0 | 0.460 0 | 0.616 5 | ||
3 | ARIMA | 0.522 7 | 0.699 5 | 0.445 3 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.254 4 | 0.341 0 | 0.868 1 | ||
6 | ARIMA | 0.392 4 | 0.584 0 | 0.655 8 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.253 0 | 0.295 1 | 0.912 1 | ||
9 | ARIMA | 0.315 3 | 0.497 0 | 0.706 1 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.139 1 | 0.192 1 | 0.956 1 | ||
12 | ARIMA | 0.201 0 | 0.326 0 | 0.845 2 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.089 0 | 0.130 1 | 0.975 3 | ||
24 | ARIMA | 0.136 4 | 0.214 3 | 0.935 4 | |
EEMD-ARIMA | 0.049 9 | 0.064 1 | 0.994 2 |
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