Research on the Optimal Crossing Angle of Buried Continuous Pipeline Crossing Fault
MEI Wei, SHA Bin, ZHOU Yun, GU Shi-xiang, HUO Yu-guo, DU Wen-qi
Research on the Optimal Crossing Angle of Buried Continuous Pipeline Crossing Fault
In this paper, the finite element model (FEM) of large-diameter buried Q235C continuous pipeline crossing fault is constructed by the finite element software ABAQUS. The optimal crossing angle under normal fault, reverse fault and strike-slip fault is investigated based on the strain failure criteria. What′s more, the influence of the crossing angle on the maximum axial strain and the failure length of the buried pipeline is also studied. The results indicate that normal fault displacement will cause large axial tensile strain in the pipeline and the crossing angle has negligible effect on the maximum axial tensile strain of the pipeline, while pipeline passing through reverse fault is mainly subjected to compression and the crossing angle has a significant influence on the maximum axial compressive strain of the pipeline. As for the pipeline crossing strike-slip fault, pipelines are prone to failure due to tension when the crossing angle is less than 90 degrees and pipelines are subjected to comparatively larger compressive stress when the crossing angle is greater than 90 degrees. The influences of crossing angle on the maximum axial strain and the failure length of the buried pipeline under different buried depths are similar. The crossing angle between the pipeline and the fault is recommended to be 75 degrees to 105 degrees under the normal and reverse faults and 75 degrees to 90 degrees under the strike-slip fault.
fault displacement / buried pipeline / numerical simulation / crossing angle {{custom_keyword}} /
Tab.1 Soil parameters表1 土体参数表 |
土体类型 | 弹性模量/MPa | 内聚力/kPa | 泊松比 | 摩擦角/(°) | 密度/(kg·m-3) |
黏土 | 16 | 30 | 0.35 | 17 | 1 850 |
Fig.4 Axial strain envelope of pipeline with different crossing angles under normal fault图4 不同管线与正断层交角管道轴向应变包络图 |
Fig.7 Maximum axial strain of pipeline under different crossing angles图7 不同管线与断层交角管道轴向最大应变 |
Fig.9 Maximum axial strain of pipeline with different crossing angles under different buried depth图9 不同管线与断层交角管道轴向最大应变 |
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