
邱云翔 刘国东 王亮 李世钰

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (1) : 118-121.


  • 邱云翔1,2,刘国东1,2,王亮1,2,李世钰1,2
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The Application of Modified IWO Algorithm to Theis's Model

  • QIU Yun-xiang1,2 ,LIU Guo-dong1,2 ,WANG Liang1,2 ,LI Shi-yu1,2
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It is necessary to estimate the search range of parameters,when intelligent optimization algorithm is applied to Theis's model. In order to reduce the difficulty in estimating the search range,IWO algorithm is applied,which has the advantage of wide search for Theis's model. Through analyzing the limitation of using Theis's equation with the application of IWO algorithm in the case of wide search area,the static settings of standard deviation is changed to dynamic modulation,the model of using Theis's equation with the application of the modified IWO algorithm is proposed. This model is applied to deal with three different scale unsteady flow pumping tests. The results prove that using Theis's equation with the application of the modified IWO algorithm in the case of wide search area can efficiently obtain the transmissivity and storativity,which are close to the actual values.


入侵杂草优化算法 / 泰斯公式 / 水文地质参数 / 导水系数 / 贮水系数

Key words

IWO algorithm / Theis's equation / hydrogeology parameters / transmissivity / storativity


邱云翔 刘国东 王亮 李世钰. 改进的入侵杂草优化算法在泰斯模型中的应用[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(1): 118-121
QIU Yun-xiang , LIU Guo-dong, WANG Liang, LI Shi-yu. The Application of Modified IWO Algorithm to Theis's Model[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(1): 118-121


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