
李卫东 周宏 陈睿星 尹洋洋 曹宇航 徐向阳

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (1) : 80-83.


  • 李卫东 周宏 陈睿星 尹洋洋 曹宇航 徐向阳
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The Application of Calculation Methods of Design Flood of Mini-basin in Dry Ash Field Vvalleys

  • LI Wei-dong,ZHOU Hong,CHEN Rui-xing,YING Yang-yang,CAO Yu-hang,XU Xiang-yang
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In order to resist the potential threat of the design storm with high return period in the flood season to Valley Dry Ash Yard and prevent the erosion damage to the ash field caused by the invasion of the flash floods,according to the relevant design standards and specifications of the power plan,based on rainstorm and flood characteristics of small watershed,this thesis focuses on the calculation method suitable for Valley Dry Ash Yard design flood. A typical Valley Dry Ash is taken as an example,on the basis of analyzing and research on the different calculation methods in small watershed design flood,this paper uses the inference formula method to design flood calculation and analyze the ash field drainage scheme,and carries on dam flood regulation and storage convergence calculation combined with MIKE model HD module. The results show that compared to the single inference formula method,the result after regulating calculation by model is reasonable, in line with Valley Dry Ash Yard features of design floods and can serve as a design basis for the construction of power plants,which has a certain reference value.


高重现期 / 特小流域 / 设计洪水 / 山谷型干灰场 / MIKE 模型 / 调蓄演算

Key words

high return period / mini-basin / design flood / dry ash field valley / MIKE model / regulating calculation


国家自然科学基金资助项目( 41471015) ; 

中国工程院重 大咨询研究项目( 2015-ZD-07) 


李卫东 周宏 陈睿星 尹洋洋 曹宇航 徐向阳. 特小流域设计洪水计算方法在山谷型干灰场中的应用[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(1): 80-83
LI Wei-dong, ZHOU Hong, CHEN Rui-xing, YING Yang-yang, CAO Yu-hang, XU Xiang-yang. The Application of Calculation Methods of Design Flood of Mini-basin in Dry Ash Field Vvalleys[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(1): 80-83


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