The problematic soils mainly include the dispersive clay and the expansive clay in Heilongjiang Province. The dispersive clay is easy to be dispered and wrecked by water flows, and the expansive clay has the properties of water swelling and dehydration shrinkage. These properties are easy to cause canal engineering diseases, such as erosion, holes, piping and landslides. The dispersity and expansibility of the foundation soils in Hamatong irrigation canal, general main canal of Wanbei, Yintang irrigation canal in Heilongjiang province were studied with the crumb tests, the pinhole tests, the double-hydrometer tests, the pore water soluble cations tests, the exchangeable sodium percentage tests and the free swelling ratio tests, and the lime was used to modify the soils. The experimental results indicated that, the three foundation soils all had expansibility, and the soil of Hamatong irrigation also had dispersity. The lime had an obvious modification effect on dispersive clay and expansive clay, which could reduce the dispersity and expansibility of the soils.
国家自然科学基金项目( 51379177; 51579215)
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