采用改进的磷分级七步提取法分析了里下河地区蜈蚣湖、得胜湖、大纵湖等七个中小、养殖型湖泊表层沉积物中不同形态磷的含量和垂向分布信息,探讨了各形态磷的赋存规律,在此基础上研究了湖泊现状和目前可能存在的问题。结果发现,七个湖泊(九龙口除外)总磷(TP)含量为410.52~758.61mg/kg,其中无机磷(IP)占73.87%±11.86%;钙磷含量很高,其中碎屑钙磷(De-P)占TP的44.60%~63.23%,且远高于自生钙磷(ACa-P);铁磷(Fe-P)和铝磷(Al-P)含量整体较低,得胜湖与蜈蚣湖明显高于其他湖泊;有机磷(Or-P)含量较高,在沉积物表层5cm随深度剧烈变化;九龙口各形态磷含量明显降低。结果表明:(1) 里下河地区湖泊目前富营养化程度与中度富营养化湖泊持平且有升高趋势,外源输入钙磷大于自身沉积形成的钙磷;(2) 整体受工业和生活污水的影响还较小,但一些化工厂的存在能明显增加沉积物中的Fe-P和Al-P含量,提高释放的风险;(3) 农业面源污染对Or-P影响较大,近年来过度围网养殖和围湖造田使Or-P增幅明显。
The content and distribution of different forms of phosphorus in surface sediments of seven small and medium-sized lakes of Wugong lake, Desheng Lake and Dazhong Lake of Lixiahe area were analyzed by the improved seven-step phosphorus fractionation method. Based on the discussion of the law of different forms of phosphorus, the present situation of the lake and the possible problems are studied. The results showed that except Jiulongkou Lake the content of total phosphorus (TP) of the lakes is about 410.52 mg/kg to 758.61mg/kg with inorganic phosphorus (IP) accounting for 73.87% ± 11.86%. Calcium phosphorus content is high, of which debris calcium phosphorus (DeCa-P) accounted for 44.60% ~ 63.23% of TP, and it`s much higher than the Self-generated calcium phosphate (ACa-P). The contents of iron phosphorus (Fe-P) and aluminum phosphorus (Al-P) were low overall, in which Desheng Lake and Wugong Lake were obviously higher than others. The content of organic phosphorus (Or-P) was high, and it changed drastically within the depth of 5cm in the surface of sediments. The contents of different forms of phosphorus in Jiulongkou Lake were obviously decreased. The results shows that the current eutrophication degree of Lixiahe area is flat with those of moderate eutrophic lakes and there is a trend of increasing, the input of calcium phosphorus is more than that of self-deposition. The overall impact of industrial and domestic sewage is still small, but the chemical plants can significantly increase the contents of Fe-P and Al-P in sediments, which increase the risk of phosphorus release. The agricultural non-point source pollution has a great impact on Or-P and the over-fence cultivation and reclamation of the lake resulting to the increasion of Or-P significantly in recent years.
国家自然科学基金( 51609060,41301531)
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