
冯忠伦, 曹 滨, 王 维, 刁维杰, 林洪孝, 王 刚

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (3) : 131-135.


  • 冯忠伦,曹 滨,王 维,刁维杰,林洪孝,王 刚
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Groundwater Table Prediction of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in the Liangji Canal Zone#br#

  • FENG Zhong-lun,CAO Bin,WANG Wei,DIAO Wei-jie,LIN Hong-xiao,WANG Gang
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稿件信息 +


在分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上,基于水量平衡原理,本文应用Visual MODFLOW建立了研究区地下水系统水流模型。利用观测井观测资料及南水北调输水实测资料,对模型进行了识别和验证,证明所建模型有效合理。并预报了未来五年地下水位的变化情况,结果表明:①2020年地下水流场未发生明显变化;②2020年地下水位得到整体抬升,最大抬升高度达6.0 m;③2020年地下水年内波动状态与2015年相比变化不大;④ 2020年地下水年变幅在0.5~1.0 m之间。


Based on the analysis of hydrogeological conditions and the balance of water quantity in the study area,the flow model of the Liang-Ji basin is built by using Visual MODFLOW software. The model is identified and verified by the observation data and the measured data of the South-to-North water transfer,which proves the model's rationality and effectiveness. Moreover,the model forecasts the changes of groundwater level in the next five years. The results show that: ①The groundwater flow field will not change significantly in 2020. ②The groundwater table will overall uplift in 2020,and the maximum lifting height can reach 6.0 m. ③Compared with 2015,the groundwater fluctuation will change little within the year in 2020. ④The annual variation of groundwater will range from 0. 5 to 1. 0 m in 2020. ⑤The groundwater can be recharged by 9.8×104 m3 /d.


南水北调 / 梁济运河 / MODFLOW / 地下水位 / 预测

Key words

South-to-North Water Transfer Project / Liang-Ji Canal Zone / MODFLOW / groundwater table / prediction




冯忠伦, 曹 滨, 王 维, 刁维杰, 林洪孝, 王 刚. 南水北调输水梁济运河区地下水位预测[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(3): 131-135
FENG Zhong-lun, CAO Bin, WANG Wei, DIAO Wei-jie, LIN Hong-xiao, WANG Gang. Groundwater Table Prediction of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project in the Liangji Canal Zone#br#[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(3): 131-135


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