The lower Jinsha River is one of the conservation areas of rare fishes in China. With the construction of cascade reservoirs,it will
definitely have negative impacts on the aquatic biota. To mitigate those negative effects,the dynamic calculation method and a modified FDC method are employed to calculate the minimum and appropriate ecological flow of Jinsha River. According to different ecological demands,four types of constraints are settled respectively,engineering constraint,minimum ecological flow constraint calculated by dynamic calculation method,minimum ecological flow constraint calculated by a modified FDC method,appropriate ecological flow constraint calculated by a modified FDC method. Then a reservoir operation model coupled with ecological demand is developed. The result shows that,under the minimum ecological flow constraint,most of the typical years can achieve the best power generation goal. But on the contrary,all of the typical years face a reduction in power generation under the appropriate ecological flow constraints. Further,the results of coefficient of determination of each scheme show that,under the appropriate ecological flow constraint,the outflow is more close to the natural inflow.
金沙江 /
生态调度 /
POA 算法 /
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Key words
Jinsha River /
ecological operation /
cascade reservoirs
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