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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (4) : 133-136.


  • 郭沂林
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Dam Service Behavior Reasoning Based on Improved Rough Set Entropy

  • GUO Yi-lin
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It is very significant for reasoning dam service behavior according to the results of fusion analysis and achieving dam safety monitoring to determine the weight of multi-effect quantities. The dam multi-effect quantity evaluation system has the characteristics of randomness and uncertainty,so measuring the uncertainty of dam system is the premise to achieve the reasons of dam service behavior accurately. The rough degree and rough entropy are proposed to describe and measure the uncertainty of set boundary and uncertainty of knowledge respectively after using existing research results for reference based on classical rough set theory and the limitation of existing research. The improved rough entropy model of dam system uncertainty measurement is built after combining the rough degree and rough entropy organically. Finally, taking an engineering project for example,the aims of the weight calculation of dam multi-effect quantities and the reasonable reasoning of dam service behavior have been realized. A new way of thinking is provided for the dam multi-effect quantities fusion analysis and evaluation.


大坝多源效应量 / 服役性态 / 粗糙集理论 / 粗糙度 / 粗糙熵 / 权重

Key words

dam multi-effect quantities / service behavior / rough set theory / rough degree / rough entropy / weight


郭沂林. 基于改进粗糙熵的大坝服役性态推理[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(4): 133-136
GUO Yi-lin. Dam Service Behavior Reasoning Based on Improved Rough Set Entropy[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(4): 133-136


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