Abstract: Biological measure is one of the three major measures for soil and water conservation and soil anti-erodibility is one of the important parameters for evaluating the ability of soil resistance to soil erosion. This paper studied anti-erodibility of four different biological measures of red soil including soil and water conservation, combing forest with grass, pure fruit forest and bare abandoned land. The results showed that: (1) There is significant difference in anti-erodibility of different biological measures. The order of soil anti-erodibility index followed that soil and water conservation > combing forest with grass > pure fruit forest > bare abandoned land, and the anti-erodibility of upper layer was better than lower layer for the same measure. (2) The soil anti-erodibility index decreased with the increase of the immersion time going, it had cubic polynomial function relation with immersion time. (3) Three principal component of soil anti-erodibility could be determined from thirteen anti-erodibility indices by the method of principal component analysis. Then the comprehensive evaluation model of anti-erodibility was found, which was applied well under different biological measures.
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