Evapotranspiration is an important factor for evaluating regional heat and water resources under the change of climate. Spatiotemporal variation of evapotranspiration in Ebinur Lake Basin were calculated based on daily temperature,precipitation,sunshine duration,wind speed and relative humid from 10 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2012. The results show that annual,spring,summer and autumn ET0 has increased significantly and winter ET0 decreased in the recently 52 years. The annual ET0 have a strong increasing trend with the rate of 9.27 mm/10 a and a periodic of 15 years,and abrupt in 1987. In view of the spatial distribution pattern,the value of annual,spring,summer and autumn ET0 increased from southern region to northern region. Whereas,the value of winter ET0 increased from western region to eastern region. The annual,spring,summer and autumn ET0 strongest in the central region of Ebinur Lake Basin and increased slightly in northern and southern region of the study area,which presented the similar spatial decreasing trend of winter ET0 . ET0 decreased continuously from 1960s to 1980s,and increased from 1980s to 2000s. The minimum decadal value of ET0 happened in 1980s and the maximum decadal value of ET0 happened in 2000s. The meteorological factors have strong correlation with the variation of ET0 . Among which,temperature have robust influence on ET0 . This paper can provide references for the study of changes in water resources as well as for environmental protection and management in arid and semiarid region in China.
QIN Peng,LIU Qiang.
Spatiotemporal Variation of Evapotranspiration in Ebinur Lake Basin from 1961 to 2012[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(6): 111-117
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