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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (8) : 1-4.


  • 邢子强1,刘姗姗1,严登华1,董国强1,2
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Advance in the Study of the Impacting Factors and Analysis Methods of Irrigation Return Flows

  • XING Zi-qiang1,LIU Shan-shan1,YAN Deng-hua1,DONG Guo-qiang1,2
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灌区是陆地社会水循环最为强烈的单元之一; 而灌区退( 回归) 水是评价灌区水资源利用效率的一个重要指标,当前已成为国内外学者关注的热点问题之一。通过综合分析国内外灌区退( 回归) 水已有研究成果,得出主要结 论: ①不同学者根据对人工水循环过程的理解,提出灌区退( 回归) 水定义包括狭义概念和广义概念两种; ②灌区退( 回归) 水受灌溉水量、灌溉方式等人为因素和降水量、土壤理化特性、地下水位等天然因素耦合作用影响,但影响灌区退( 回归) 水的主要因素随灌区不同而发生改变; ③灌区退( 回归) 水量预估方法主要有退水系数法、数理统计法、数值模型法 3 种方法。


Irrigation district is one of the critical units of natural-artificial water cycle systems. But the irrigation return flow,as an important indicator of the irrigation water use efficiency,has become one of the hottest issues worldwide. In this study,we summarize the primary research productions of irrigation return flows,and the results show that the conception of irrigation return flows can divided in its broad sense and narrow sense,because of different understandings of the artificial water cycle Furthermore,the irrigation return flows are influenced by artificial factors such as irrigation water quantity,irrigation methods,and natural factors such as precipitation,soil properties,ground water levels. But the main influencing factors of the irrigation return flows changed with the different irrigation district. In addition,we further discuss the quantitative prediction methods of the irrigation return flows by using the irrigation return flows index method,mathematical statistics method and numerical simulation method.


国家重点研发计划项目“陆地-水文耦合模式构建与全 球陆地水资源演变趋势预测”( 2016YFA0601503) ; 国家自然科学基金青年项目“土壤墒情变化对典型灌区碳的净排放量影响研究”( 51409267)


邢子强,刘姗姗,严登华,董国强. 灌区退(回归)水量影响及预估研究进展[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(8): 1-4
XING Zi-qiang,LIU Shan-shan,YAN Deng-hua,DONG Guo-qiang. Advance in the Study of the Impacting Factors and Analysis Methods of Irrigation Return Flows[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(8): 1-4


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