
李文静,林凯荣,刘 玥,刘树壕,陈 刚

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (8) : 103-107.


  • 李文静1,林凯荣1,刘 玥2 ,刘树壕1,陈 刚2
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Flash Flood Risk Assessment in Ungaged Small Basin Based on GIS and AHP Integrated Method

  • LI Wen-jing1,LIN Kai-rong1,LIU Yue2,LIU Shu-hao1,CHEN Gang2
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This paper calculated design peak discharge of 1% frequency flood in ShiKan River Basin of Qingyuan city using synthetic unit hydrograph and rational formula. Six assessment indexes were considered in order to establish flash flood risk assessment model, including design peak discharge, elevation, slope, soil type, density of population and land use types. GIS and AHP Integrated Method was applied to demarcate risk level in ungaged small basin. The results show that the higher risk area is concentrated in the midstream and downstream of the river and both sides of the 200m range; design peak discharge is an important index for flash flood risk assessment; GIS and AHP integrated method is effective and fast to assess the flash flood risk in ungaged small basin. The evaluation results coincide with the actual situation of the basin, which could provide reference for risk mapping of flash flood in China.


国家自然科学基金项目( 5137922) ; 广东省水利科技创新项目( #2016-19) 的部分资助。


李文静,林凯荣,刘 玥,刘树壕,陈 刚. 基于GIS-AHP集成的无资料小流域山洪灾害风险评价[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(8): 103-107
LI Wen-jing,LIN Kai-rong,LIU Yue,LIU Shu-hao,CHEN Gang. Flash Flood Risk Assessment in Ungaged Small Basin Based on GIS and AHP Integrated Method[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(8): 103-107


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