
贾澄澄,卓 莉,肖明砾,谢红强,何江达

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (8) : 180-184.


  • 贾澄澄,卓 莉,肖明砾,谢红强,何江达
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Research on the Influence of Blasting on Overlying Landslide in the Construction of Diversion Tunnel

  • JIA Cheng-cheng,ZHUO Li,XIAO Ming-li,XIE Hong-qiang,HE Jiang-da
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稿件信息 +




The blasting vibration effect in the construction of the diversion tunnel of a hydropower station was simulated on the basis of equivalent application method of blasting load and dynamic finite element method. Representative feature points were selected and the characteristics of vibration displacement, velocity and acceleration were analyzed, moreover, the vibration and attenuation law of different explosion center distance parts were also analyzed, stability safety factors of Danba landslide before and after construction blasting were calculated by using GeoStudio and the influence of blasting vibration on the stability of Danba landslide was proved. The results show that the closer the distance away from the explosion source, the greater the vibration frequency and amplitude of the particle, and the vibration attenuation is also faster. When the distance is large enough, the horizontal and vertical vibration amplitude value are about the same and vibration effect caused by blasting at this time is very small. The peak velocity of the vibration velocity is the fastest in the explosion center distance of 15m, and in the range of 100m, the peak value of vibration velocity is less than 0.2cm/s. The stability safety factor calculated by the two methods, the limit equilibrium method and the finite element method, can meet the requirements. Tunnel blasting has no harm to the safety and stability of Danba landslide.


国家重点基础研究发展计划 ( 973 ) 项 目 ( 2015CB057903) ; 国 家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 51079092)


贾澄澄,卓 莉,肖明砾,谢红强,何江达. 引水隧洞施工爆破对上覆滑坡体的影响研究[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(8): 180-184
JIA Cheng-cheng,ZHUO Li,XIAO Ming-li,XIE Hong-qiang,HE Jiang-da. Research on the Influence of Blasting on Overlying Landslide in the Construction of Diversion Tunnel[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(8): 180-184


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