
陈超群,吴 煜,王 健,赵 乐,赵新风

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2017 ›› (9) : 100-103.


  • 陈超群1,吴 煜1,王 健1,赵 乐2,赵新风2
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An Analysis of the Ecosystem Service Value in the Mainstream of the Tarim River Before and after the Ecological Water Conveyance

  • CHEN Chao-qun1,WU Yu1,WANG Jian1,ZHAO Le2,ZHAO Xin-feng2
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分析塔里木河干流生态输水前生态系统退化过程中生态服务价值的变化,以及输水后生态恢复过程中生态服务价值的变化。[方法] 基于RS/GIS技术,利用 1990、2000、2010年3期Landsat TM/ETM遥感影像,分别提取土地利用/覆被类型信息,同时结合谢高地、Costanza等计算生态服务价值的方法。[结果] (1)塔里木河干流土地利用类型的生态系统服务价值从1990年到2000年减少了11.43×108元,减少了8.5%,以每年1.14×108元的速度下降,主要是由于天然林地、灌草地、湿地和内陆水体面积大幅减少,导致该区的自然资本的价值在不断损失。(2) 在塔里木河生态输水期间(2000-2010年),生态系统服务价值增加了12.57×108元,增加了10.21%,以每年1.26×108元的速度增加,主要是由于自2000年开始的生态输水工程引起内陆水体面积的增加所至。[结论] 生态输水前,塔河干流生态服务价值呈总体下降趋势;生态输水过程中,生态服务价值呈上升趋势。


This paper calculates the ecosystem service value of the mainstream of the Tarim River in the process of ecological degradation before the ecological water conveyance. Based on the Landsat TM/ETM remote sensing image of the upper reaches of the Tarim River,this paper extracts the land use /cover type information of 1990,2000 and 2010,and the methods of calculating ecosystem service value of Xie and Costanza is used in this paper. Results: the ecosystem service value in the mainstream of Tarim River from 1990 to 2000 reduced 11.43 ×108 yuan,decreased by 8.5%,falling at a speed of 1.14×108 yuan a year,mainly due to natural wetland and forest land,wet land and inland water area sharply decreased,leading to the loss of the value of natural capital. After the ecological water conveyance ( 2000-2010) , the value of ecosystem services increased by 12.57× 108 yuan,increased by 10.21%,rising at a speed of 1.26× 108 yuan a year mainly because the ecological water conveyance project may increase inland water area since 2000. Conclusion: before the ecological water conveyance,ecosystem service value was on the rise,and showed a decreasing trend after the ecological water conveyance.


水利部公益性行业科研专项( 201501060)


陈超群,吴 煜,王 健,赵 乐,赵新风. 生态输水前后塔里木河干流生态系统服务价值的变化过程[J].中国农村水利水电, 2017(9): 100-103
CHEN Chao-qun,WU Yu,WANG Jian,ZHAO Le,ZHAO Xin-feng. An Analysis of the Ecosystem Service Value in the Mainstream of the Tarim River Before and after the Ecological Water Conveyance[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2017(9): 100-103


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