
贺志文 向平安

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2018 ›› (10) : 19-26.


  • 贺志文1,2,向平安2,1
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Analysis on the variations and driving factors of grey water footprint in Hunan province

  • HE Zhi-wen1,2 ,XIANG Ping-an1,2
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Grey water footprint method was used to calculate the grey water footprint of Hunan Province in the past 2001-2015 years', and the reasons for the change were analyzed by extended STIRPAT model, so as to provide suggestions for rational utilization of water resources and water pollution control. The results show that the grey water footprint of Hunan province dropped from 69.0747 billion cubic meters in 2001 to 671946 billion cubic meters in 2015. The proportion of agricultural grey water footprint is the largest, the industrial grey water footprint is declining, but the life grey water footprint is showing a rising trend. The coefficient of urbanization level, the proportion of the second industry, the proportion of the third industry, GDP per capita, FDI and grey water footprint intensity is 0.7996, 0.6505, 0.6543, -0.8148, -0.5115 and -0.5892, respectively. There is a inverted "U" type of environmental Kuznets curve of the relationship between economic development and grey water footprint, and there is no hypothesis of "pollution paradise"


灰水足迹 / 农业 / 工业 / 生活 / 驱动因子 / 湖南省

Key words

grey water footprints / agriculture / industry / life / driving factors / Hunan province


国家社科基金项目( 11BJY028) ; 国家科技支撑计划项目 ( 2012BAD14B17) 


贺志文 向平安. 湖南省灰水足迹变化特征及其驱动因子分析[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(10): 19-26
HE Zhi-wen , XIANG Ping-an. Analysis on the variations and driving factors of grey water footprint in Hunan province[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(10): 19-26


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