Taking centralized water supply scheme in Shi village of Hebei province as an example,this paper has analyzed the process of how
the scheme is designed,implemented and maintained as well as how it shapes water accesses among villagers. Due to the lack of decision
power of villagers in design and implementation process,water access of many villagers has been excluded. In terms of maintenance,because
of the shortage of public fund for water supply,village leaders turn to iron powder production factories for help and economic dependency
relation between them has been formed. The closing of iron powder factories not only has disrupted the economic support for centralized water
supply,but also triggered the rise of private tube wells among villagers. Since not every villager could afford tube wells,water access among
villagers becomes differentiated. The water access of the poor becomes vulnerable and marginalized. The decision power power of villagers in
centralized water supply scheme should be improved for more equal water access. Beside techniques and financial support,equal water access
especially for the poor is the key for water security in rural areas.
农村集中供水 /
水获取 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
rural centralized water supply scheme /
water access /
water right
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