
郭博瀚 周买春 刘远

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2018 ›› (11) : 48-54.


  • 郭博瀚,周买春,刘远
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Research on the Relationship between Catchment Basin Flow in the Case of Hanjiang River Basin

  • GUO Bo-han,ZHOU Mai-chun,LIU Yuan
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Taking the nine hydrological stations in Hanjiang River as the outlet,the Hanjiang River Basin is divided into nine sub-basins, and the SWAT model is applied to simulate the daily runoff of the basin. Using the simulated flow rate of SWAT model,and the measured flow rate from the hydrological station to analyze the relationship between catchment basins flow,and the Catchment Basin Flow Model is established. The results shows that when the Catchment Basin Flow Model is used to calculate the flow rate,if the outlet is located in the trunk of the catchment basin,the NS coefficient is 84.4% ~ 91.6% and the Vol value is 97.5% ~ 107.0%. If the outlet is located at the upper level branch of the trunk stream of the catchment basin,and on the main trunk of this tributary,the NS coefficient is 79.3% ~ 88.9% and the Vol value is 100.0% ~ 104.6%. If the outlet is located on the other tributaries of the catchment basin,the NS coefficient is 53.3% ~ 73.9%, and the Vol value is 89.6% ~ 105.2%. For the Hanjiang River Basin,when the outlet is located in the trunk of the catchment basin,or outlet is located at the upper level branch of the trunk stream of the catchment basin,and on the main trunk of this tributary,the simulation results of the Catchment Basin Flow Model are better. The Catchment Basin Flow Model can provide a reference for the prediction of the flow rate of small watershed in non-information areas.


SWAT 模型 / 套合流域流量模型 / 线性相关 / 韩江流域

Key words

SWAT model / Catchment Basin Flow Model / linear correlation / Hanjiang River Basin


国家自然科学基金项目( 41171029) ; 广东省水利科技创 新项目( 2009-42) 。


郭博瀚 周买春 刘远. 套合流域流量关系研究——以韩江流域为例[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(11): 48-54
GUO Bo-han, ZHOU Mai-chun, LIU Yuan. Research on the Relationship between Catchment Basin Flow in the Case of Hanjiang River Basin[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(11): 48-54


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