基于温室番茄生长、产量和品质 确定适宜滴灌灌水下限与氮肥、钾肥施用量

李振华 姜熙 孟维忠 陈伟 王丽学 Shaikh Abdullah AI Mamun Hossain 戴皖宁

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中国农村水利水电 ›› 2018 ›› (2) : 15-19.

基于温室番茄生长、产量和品质 确定适宜滴灌灌水下限与氮肥、钾肥施用量

  • 李振华1,姜熙2,孟维忠2,陈伟2,王丽学3,Shaikh Abdullah AI Mamun Hossain4,戴皖宁1
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Based on the growth, yield and quality of tomato in greenhouse to determine the appropriate drip irrigation lower limit and nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer application

  • LI Zhen-hua1,JIANG Xi2,3,MENG Wei-zhong2,CHEN Wei2 , WANG Li-xue1 ,Shaikh Abdullah AI Mamun Hossain1 ,DAI Wan-ning1
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In order to find a reasonable combination of fertilization and fertilization for high yield and high quality of tomato, the effects of different irrigation limit, nitrogen application rate and potassium application rate on tomato growth, yield and quality were studied by orthogonal test and model prediction under the condition of water and fertilizer integration .The results showed that: Increasing the lower limit of irrigation can increase stem diameter and leaf area; A large amount of nitrogen fertilizer was not conducive to the increase of stem diameter, but it could promote the increase of tomato leaf area. Potassium fertilizer application had no significant effect on stem and leaf area of tomato. Appropriate increase in irrigation and reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied are beneficial to the growth of plants in the vegetative growth stage. The lower limit of irrigation, the amount of nitrogen applied and the amount of potassium applied had significant effect on tomato yield, with the increase in irrigation and amount of fertilizer, yields increased first and then decreased. W2N2K2 combination of water and fertilizer can get the best quality analyzed by the score. Precise prediction by model, it was found that when the lower limit of irrigation was 76%, the upper limit was 100%, the amount of nitrogen applied was 358.5kg/hm2 and the amount of potassium was 607.5kg/hm2, there will be the highest yield, good quality, good crop growth. The predicted yield is 108.82t/hm2.


水肥组合 / 灌水下限 / 预测模型 / 正交组合 / 产量 / 品质

Key words

tomato / irrigation lower limit / predictive model / orthogonal combination / yield / quality




李振华 姜熙 孟维忠 陈伟 王丽学 Shaikh Abdullah AI Mamun Hossain 戴皖宁. 基于温室番茄生长、产量和品质 确定适宜滴灌灌水下限与氮肥、钾肥施用量[J].中国农村水利水电, 2018(2): 15-19
LI Zhen-hua , JIANG Xi , MENG Wei-zhong , CHEN Wei , WANG Li-xue , Shaikh Abdullah AI Mamun Hossain , DAI Wan-ning. Based on the growth, yield and quality of tomato in greenhouse to determine the appropriate drip irrigation lower limit and nitrogen fertilizer, potassium fertilizer application[J].China Rural Water and Hydropower, 2018(2): 15-19


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