As a kind of ecological treatment process for sewage purification,pre -reservoir technology can effectively restrict and reduce
pollutants into reservoir. This paper uses the experience at home and abroad for reference,proposes a determination technique of the scale of
pre-reservoir volume,and Yanghe Reservoir watershed as an example,the flood process line of the first flood for reservoir inflow in 2012 as
a typical example,calculates the pre -reservoir volume of the four tributaries estuary. Results show that the pre -reservoir volume of
Dongyanghe,Xiyanghe,Miwuhe and Mahe are 169×104 m3
,144×104 m3
,34×104 m3 and 29×104 m3 respectively. The results show that the
actual head rain of once every three years for the principle to determine the scale of the pre-reservoir for each tributary of Yanghe Reservoir
前置库 /
头场洪水 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
pre-reservoir /
the first flood /
Yanghe Reservoir watershed
{{custom_keyword}} /
博士后科研择优资助项目( B2016005007) 。
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